Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Trifles: Murder and Mrs. Hale
Susan Glaspell’s one act play Trifles is a clever tale which highlights the way in which women were dismissed in the early twentieth century and perhaps in some ways still today. Glaspell uses the scene of a terrible crime to engage the audience and then deliver her social message. This play is mostly about the way in which women in her day were ignored. The play takes place in a farm house in the Midwest during the present day, around 1916. Mr. Henderson, a county attorney, and Mr.Peters, a sheriff, have come to the farm to investigate the strangling murder of John Wright. One of John Wright’s neighbors named Mr. Hale discovered the body and found Mrs. Wright sitting downstairs acting in an odd manner. He has come to assist them with his testimony. Two women accompany them, the sheriff’s wife Mrs. Peters and the neighbor’s wife, Mrs. Hale. As the play unfolds, the men remain baffled by the lack of any evidence pointing directly to Ms. Wright as the killer . The case will not be entirely resolved due to an apparent lack of evidence of any motive.The two male investigators see women’s values and motivations in a disrespectful light – as mere trifles – and because of this attitude they fundamentally misunderstand the crime they are investigating and turn the two women into enemies who protect Mrs. Wright by tampering with the evidence. The men fail to see the household disarray as evidence. When entering the home, the poor maintenance in the household is apparent to all four characters in this play. The County Attorney exclaims, â€Å"Dirty towels! Not much of a housekeeper, would you say ladies? †(1114). The women defend Mrs.Wright. Mrs. Hale responds, â€Å"Those towels get dirty awful quick. Men's hands aren't always as clean as they might be†(1114). And after the men are out of earshot, Mrs. Hale is clearly identifying with Mrs. Wright when she complains: â€Å"I'd hate to have men coming into m y kitchen, snooping around and criticizing†(1114). Although all four characters recognize that the house is not well kept, but only the women immediately understand that something was terribly wrong. The men go no further with their interpretation of what the women instantly recognize as signs of discord in the home.A central piece of evidence in this play is a quilt that is being made by the suspect, Mrs. Wright, at the time of the murder. Upon inspecting Mrs. Wright’s things, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters come across an unfinished quilt. It is Mrs. Hale who notices that the last section of the quilt is different. She points out to Mrs. Peters that the stitching in most of the quilt is well-developed and carefully knitted. This is in sharp contrast to the most recent piece of quilt. This final section has misplaced stitches and the poor workmanship which would happen under a high degree of emotional distress. Mrs.Hale realizes this only moments after the county attorney c omplains about a missing piece of evidence explaining: â€Å"It's all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it. But you know juries when it comes to women. If there was some definite thing. Something to show – something to make a story about – a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it†(1121). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters realize that they are, in fact, looking at the exact evidence the county attorney had in mind. Mrs. Hale quietly undoes the stitching. Another critical piece of evidence is the knot stitching in the quilt.Early in the play, the sheriff scoffs at the silliness of women discussing the type of stitching used to construct a quilt in the middle of an important murder scene, exclaiming sarcastically, â€Å"They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it! †(1116). The point of view of the sheriff is clearly one in which he belittles female concerns over such a small detail when what he sees as a real concern, su ch as murder, is in question. The sheriff and county attorney ultimately fail to realize, or even consider, the critical nature of this evidence.At the end of the play, the sheriff takes a moment to tease the women a bit more about this topic. His sarcastic question about the quilting style is answered by a wicked pun from the author. Mrs. Hale explains that Mrs. Wright, instead of quilting it, was going to â€Å"knot it†( 1121). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters understand that this reference to a knot is in fact a direct reference to the way in which Mrs. Wright murdered her husband, by tying a knot around his neck and strangling him to death. She tied a knot in the quilt the same way she tied a knot around her husband’s neck.The irony of this pun is that this very evidence, seen as laughable by the county attorney, is actually central to the murder of Mr. Wright. Although the knot is right in front of his face, he would not be able to see the meaning of it in a million yea rs. The most obvious piece of evidence missed by the male investigators is the singing bird. As the women are collecting clothing and items to bring to Mrs. Wright at the jail, they come across a bird cage. Three questions are immediately evident. First, why is there a bird cage but no bird?Second, what happened to the door of the bird cage? Of course, this leads to the third and final important question: if the bird is missing, where is it? Within a few minutes, the women discover the fate of the bird. They find the pet hidden away with great care. It is wrapped in silk inside Mrs. Wright’s fanciest sewing box. Clearly this was a type of burial, a shrine to a beloved pet. The women make all of the central connections between the dead bird and the crime that the men are investigating. They immediately realize that the singing bird was Mrs.Wright’s only companion. Mrs. Peters notes that the hinge on one side of the door has been ripped out and not fixed as if someone br oke into the cage to kill the animal. They see clearly that the bird’s neck was broken and understand that this beloved pet was killed out of shear meanness by the overbearing; soul-crushing Mr. Wright. Mrs. Peters volunteers a story about one of her own pets that was killed by boys that she knew when she was younger. They instantly understand that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband in retaliation for this brutal act.They see that this was the motive behind this murder. The bird in this play is a reminder of the care-free, singing, younger Minnie Foster who has now become the lonely, miserable Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Hale’s recollections link the bird to Mrs. Wright. She explains to Mrs. Peters that when she was single years ago, Minnie Foster was well known in the community for being pretty, well dressed, and singing like a bird in the choir. Mrs. Hale observes, recalling Minnie Foster’s singing, that â€Å"he killed that too†(1120).The central misunderstanding in this play is the male investigator’s inability to grasp the meaning of the readily available evidence. As the title suggests, the men see women’s work and women’s concerns as mere trifles. The men comment on the poor housekeeping in the home but do not seem to understand why or how it is related to the murder they are investigating. The men fail to see why the bird cage is crucial evidence. The men investigating the crime make no effort to examine the quilting done by Mrs. Wright. The women, on the other hand, see all of these things in stark relief.They understand that the shabby condition of the home and the poor housekeeping criticized by the male investigators reflect the increasing alienation and despair of Mrs. Wright. The women instantly see the significance of the quilt. They recognize the incriminating nature of the emotional distress reflected in the shoddy last section of the quilt. They also find the crucial evidence of the case by inspecting the sewing box. The women find the murdered bird. When they do, they immediately see that the bird is the lynch pin of the case. The bird is the motive.The bird explains, both in terms of meaning and in the reality of its broken neck, what actually happened to John Wright. He murdered the bird, so she murdered him The blindness of the men to the nature of the crime and their condescension to Mrs. Wright emboldens the women at the scene to destroy evidence. Both Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters make it clear that they blame themselves for having been poor friends to Mrs. Wright. Perhaps Mrs. Hale puts this best when she says â€Å"I stayed away because it weren’t cheerfulâ€â€and that’s why I ought to have come†(1118).They even resolve to bring Mrs. Wright her bottle of preserves as a token of their concern and understanding. Subsequently, Mrs. Hale destroys the evidence of the poor stitching on the last quilt segment. She does this because she realizes that this is ac tually incriminating evidence because it reflects Mrs. Wright’s emotional state. Following this, both Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters further tamper with the evidence by hiding the dead bird. When the men asked what happened to the bird, Mrs. Hale lies: â€Å"We thinkâ€â€the cat got it†(1119). Mrs. Peters could contradict Mrs.Hale. By not doing so she is also agreeing to lie and assisting Mrs. Hale in the destruction of evidence. In the final scene, both women attempt to hide the body of the bird and Mrs. Hale succeeds. They realize that the men are blind to the real motivation and nature of this crime. They are unafraid to destroy evidence which they know the men are too self-absorbed to find on their own. The play Trifles is a play about the lack of perspective men have for women’s issues. At every turn, evidence for this crime is available and plain to see.The male investigators fail to see the evidence of the murder because of their disrespect of things that are important to women. In addition, by being so dismissive and callous, they turn the two women who actually understand the crime against them. In the end, they fail to see much of the evidence. The women hide the remaining evidence easily. The women truly understand the crime and are certainly not going to assist in the prosecution of a woman who they realize has been treated so poorly. Glaspell is telling us to beware seeing other people’s work, hopes, and dreams as trifles.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Honors Literature Independent Reading Assignment Staying Fat For Sarah Brynes The book Staying Fat For Sarah Brynes revolves around a young swimmer by the name of Eric. Eric was also called Moby by his classmates due to excessive weight. Throughout the book Chris Crutcher allows readers to witness a transformation that takes place for Eric not only physically but emotionally. The hundred meter freestyle champion was determined to shed his weight and replace it with muscle.His dream of ending the days students called him Moby was placed on halt due to his commitment to one of his close friends Sarah. Sarah was a girl who lived a familiar lifestyle to Eric. She was constantly teased by the students who attended her school. At a young age Sarah’s face and hands were placed on a woodstove by her dad leaving her with untreated scars that later turned into dead tissue. The scars would later serve as a sign on strength and self-unity . â€Å"You learned a good lesson about pain,â₠¬ when you can’t take it anymore, your body stops feeling for you, (Crutcher89) .One of the major themes Chris Crutcher portrayed in â€Å"Staying Fat For Sarah Brynes is friendship . Eric and Sarah became friends as social outcasts. Both were often rejected by society so they learn to appreciate each other . They discovered ways to understand each other and soothe each other’s pain. They learned to be there for each other through the thick and thin. â€Å"Look, if you keep eating like a starving Biafran turned loose at the Food Circus just to prove me wrong about why were friends , you’ll die of a heart attack before your fifteen†(Crutcher page 93).This showed how much Sarah Byrnes friendship meant to Erick, because he was willing to continue to be fat, even though he had always been made fun of, just to prove to her that he would not stop being her friend. Throughout the book Crutcher takes readers on an adventure of some of the things Sarah faced o n an everyday basis. By providing readers with this discrepancy it showed the building structure of Eric and Sarah’s friendship. It made onlookers realize the seal of respect they had for each other.Even though outside sources tried to detour Eric’s love and compassion for Sarah â€Å"Taking on someone else’s monster will kill you†Crutcher 219-220) he stalwartly stood by her side . The book states that Eric came face to face with Sarah’s dad to confront him on the mistreating of his friend. Sarah’s dad was symbolized throughout the book as a troubled guy who battled alcoholism most of his adult life. The courageousness of Eric to stand up to him despite putting his life in danger shows the commitment he had to Sarah. Apart of supporting Sarah it made Eric a stronger person.While witnessing the harsh reality of Sarah’s life and how she dealt with it inspired him to be as strong as her. â€Å"I wanted to be tough like Sarah Byrnes , t o stand straight and, oblivious to gut eclipsing my belt buckle. He learned that without her friendship his life would have been the same and he would have never learned that he had valor. Erick gave the ultimate sacrifice by putting his life on the line in order for Sarah Byrnes to escape from her father. He helped the world know about the horrible abuse that Sarah Byrnes went through every day of her life.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Sainburys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sainburys - Essay Example 92). Sainsbury’s was founded in 1869. Today it has over 1,000 stores, including 440 convenience stores, and employs around 150,000 employees. Sainsbury plc had revenues for the full year 2012 of 22.29bn. This was 5.65% above the prior years results. Sainsbury is one of the top food retailers in the UK. From the data above it can be easily understood that the company is growing leaps and bounds. However in the last couple of years just like most of the companies, Sainsbury also had to combat the economic downturn. A part from the financial aspect, Sainsbury also needs to adapt to the changing consumer behaviour. The study looks to deliver a probable marketing plan for the company keeping economic volatility in mind. PEST stands for political, economic, social and technological. All these factors are treated as the external of macro environmental factors. Such factors cannot be controlled by the company. However, these factors tend to have a direct on the business strategy of the companies (Kotler, 2001, p. 25). The political factors of UK are likely to have significant effect on the performance of Sainsbury. Presently the government’s debts and the consumer debts are quite high. This has affected the buying behaviour of the consumers. Therefore the company not only has to operate in such tricky market conditions, but also has to develop business gradually. Economic factors affect the businesses highly as these factors influence the cost, demand, profitability and price. During the present economic slowdown the unemployment rate and inflation in food prices are two factors to look out for. Due to the dual affect of inflation and high unemployment rate, the demand for Sainsbury products may decrease. This may slow down the production of food products creating a viscous circle. Therefore the company should look to focus on expansion into new growing markets to manage the risks related to the slowdown of the economy. Today the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Reponse paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Reponse paper - Essay Example The thesis statement is that: As we grow up and come face-to-face with the practical life, we find out that life is not what we expected it to be, and this makes us angry and frustrated. We read about the boy’s fantasies toward Mangan’s sister. We read about his ecstatic feelings and romantic joy when the girl asks him to attend the Araby bazaar on her part because she cannot go. We come to know about the boy’s fantasies of buying a beautiful gift for the girl of his dreams. His frustration got a start when his uncle came home late in the night. Taking a little sum of money, he headed out to the bazaar; but when he reached there, he saw that, to his dismay, the bazaar was about to close, with only a few stalls open. The lights were going out slowly. This was the push-up for his frustration, which added up when he found out that he could not find a decent gift for the girl with the little sum of money that he had. He was angry. He said, â€Å"Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.†This shows how demeaning it was for him to see that he was late. He was late. We all get late, and mourn over the things we cannot get in our lives. The story revolves around the theme that no one is able to enliven his dreams in true sense. We dream of achieving things of our desire; we work hard to get them; but sometimes, we fail. What we dream all our lives gets shattered all of a sudden. The gift symbolizes the goals that we want to achieve, and the boy’s sadness symbolizes our own frustration that shows when we see that our efforts are going in vain. This is all part and parcel of life. This is the tragedy of life. What we get is not what we yearn for; and what we yearn for seems too far away from us. We feel ourselves in total darkness. In short, the story is about human frustration over the loss of something despite true efforts. This is the story of everybody,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
CLOUD COMPUTING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
CLOUD COMPUTING - Research Paper Example SQL injection or cross site scripting vulnerabilities have a high probability, as Google docs are one of the victims of them (Singh & Sharma, 2011). Moreover, threat of phishing is also always available, as automated emails and messages on cloud based applications can steal passwords, personal credentials and other personal information. Organization’s authentication and authorization policy do not addresses cloud security issues. In spite of having several security controls integrated within the cloud based applications, only a password is required to breach into the cloud based application. One of the recent security breaches of exploiting secure passwords that is called as Twitter gate (Singh & Sharma, 2011). Moreover, virtual machines on a single physical machine are shared with multiple instances. Every instance is connected to the Internet or virtual tunnels. This concludes, if a single machine is compromised, all the instances available in that machine are also compromis ed. In addition, risk of data corruption or storage that may not limited to memory storage, random access memory storage is also in the scope of cloud computing vulnerabilities (Singh & Sharma, 2011). 2 Cloud Computing Storage Issues The storage of cloud computing requires a lot of space, in fact humongous data centers where data is collected and managed. These data centers pose several threats and security risk that may impact these data storage machines. The threat may be from a professional hacker and also in the form of the cloud provider itself, if data is not adequately dealt with. A minor security incident or misconfiguration can lead to a system failure or unavailability. (OGIGAU-NEAMTIU, 2012) Moreover, another security breach occurred in 2009, password of an employee working on Twitter was hacked that resulted in breaching the email security questions page that was located in the Google apps account (Talbot 2010). In relation to that, one more incident occurred when data w as erased from one million T-mobile smart phones due to a server failure that was managing the data of these smart phones (Talbot 2010).As Peter Mell, who is a team lead of cloud security team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) says, public cloud computing models are more vulnerable to threats, as every customer has access to a broad range of services and levels. Therefore, if any one of the services is breached, they gain access to all the data. As cloud-computing usage is increasing with its connection to the public through an Internet, new opportunities also originate for hackers, cyber terrorists, viruses and worms. These threats will increase and focus on cloud computing enables services and applications for stealing classified data, denial of service attacks on data centers etc. ‘Google apps’ is the major player in the market for providing ‘SaaS’, it was attacked and hacked. The report from cyber forensics indicated that the attacks were originated from China (Bisong & Rahman, 2011). The security and privacy in cloud computing are associated with data storage and data protection. Moreover, monitoring the utilization of resources available on the cloud by the service providers is also included. In order to secure the data in the cloud, it can be stored internally in the organization’s premises. (Talbot, 2012) Moreover, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the US and Data Protection directives along with the EU are only two compliances from many other compliance concerns
Crime prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Crime prevention - Essay Example Today in the world there is an increasing debate on the topic of firearms regulation. Different states in the United States of America have allowed people to carry their own weapons for self protection. This law was adopted first by the state of Florida and many people believed that this law would lead to disastrous effects.But it did not have a negative impact as many had thought and many states then followed in implementation of this law. It came to be realized with time that carrying firearms had a positive effect on the crime prevention. There are many reasons to this effect. The crime committers have a fear that they will be counter attacked hence this leads to a decrease in the crime rate. There is a second thought to this as well. People believe that this can lead to an increase in crimes because even normal people under pressure might be subject to committing crimes and due to the easy availability of weapons they would more easily be able to commit crimes. Carrying of firear ms thus has both effects. It increases the crime rate as well but it has a greater effect in decreasing the crime rate. People choose to carry weapons as a crime prevention method so as to increase their quality and standard of life. It provides them with security and it opens for them a path which makes them self dependant. They can themselves take care of their life and property and save themselves from different criminals. Carrying of firearms is very essential for people because at times when there is no police in sight and people need greater protection and safety these weapons are their sole helpers which provide them with a greater security where they can protect them by themselves. People also consider it important to keep firearms at their house because this helps them to guard themselves against robberies. Weapons to people act as tools and these laws which empower people to carry weapons actually help in decreasing crime rate. But then it has negative impact as well. Open allowance of carrying weapons can lead to deaths without any reason that is if the gun gets fired unintentionally this may lead to the death of the person himself or of others who are along with the person. But in the end it can be said that despite of the negative impact the carrying of firearms has it still has greater benefits and it is essential for one to carry weapons with him for self protection (Worsnop 1994). 2. Discuss the fundamental concepts of community crime prevention, providing specific examples of such programs. How did it arise Who participates and why Provide characteristics and demographics. Community Crime Prevention is a department of major concern to the authorities these days. Social Crime Prevention these days is handled by the authorities efficiently and professionally. New strategies are being implemented to involve the community towards the betterment of the criminal activities in the society. This involvement of the community can not only help the individuals living in the community to realize their duty but also help to decrease the rate of criminal activities occurring in a certain area. Different strategies formulated by the authorities urge the communities to work towards the betterment of the society. The community plays a major role in limiting the criminal activities in the area. The community works in cohesion with the authority to avoid the crimes. The authority gives specific instructions to the community members which are to be followed by them to lessen the criminal activities. These instructions include the installation of Closed Circuit Televisio n Cameras, the structure in which the house is built and the cohesion of the community. The community acts together to improve the situation in a society. It acts to
Friday, July 26, 2019
Denver Art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Denver Art museum - Essay Example Martin Plaza serves as an interesting hub to the Civic Center Cultural Complex. The four featured staples in this area are ‘Denver Monoliths’ by Beverly Pepper, ‘Scottish angus Cow and Calf’ by Dan Ostermiller ‘Big Sweep’ by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg all ranging between 13-40 feet and inside the Hamilton Building is ‘ENGI’ by Tatsuo Miyajima right by the El Pomar Grand Atrium (Denver Art Museum, pars. 1-4). The most fascinating among these paintings for me is the 35-foot sculpture the ‘Big Sweep’ created by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg. The sculpture is a gigantic installation of a broom and dustpan in color. The strands of the broom is actually in a sweeping motion where there are pieces of what appears to be crumpled white paper projected right into the oblique position of the dustpan. This gives the impression of movement and that the pieces of trash are actually being brushed into the receptacle and the final act would entail having to dispose of the same. It is a very colourful and attractive piece of art with the vibrancy of the paint colors used to complete it. The dustpan is large solid blue shaped in a handheld sort complete with a whole on the upper side of the grip where such item is hooked onto the wall for storage. The broom has the feel of flexibility with its threads on relatively different angles in varied colors such as blue, black and red. The band which holds the strand of the broom clenches it to the handle of the broom in solid yellow. The most prominent smaller parts of the sculpture are the two crumpled white pieces that looks like paper. On the flooring are dusts of white which completes the whole idea of a dirty surrounding in need of cleaning. The sculpture, with its bright colors and mundane appeal, can be easily mistaken for somewhat like a comedic piece by any other person. To a small child it is not far fetch to view it as the kind of things one sees in a playground. The fact of its
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Resolution in international trade Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resolution in international trade - Dissertation Example The research methodology used for this study will be aligned with the nature of the study, as a legal research paper. In this context, the research required for the development of this paper will have two different forms: a) literature review, i.e. review of the academic studies (books, journals and so on) published on the issues under discussion and b) case studies analysis, i.e. review of the case law related to the specific subject.Since its introduction, GATT helped towards the expansion of international trade law framework; however, through the years, the specific system was proved inadequate for the conflicts developed in international trade agreements. It was probably the fact that the international political and economic climate had changed and new needs were developed in regard to the settlement of disputes related to international trade. The above fact is made clear through the study of Davey (2006) where reference is made to the effectiveness of GATT in ‘dispute rela ted to agricultural trade products’ (Davey, 2006, p. 185). Despite the fact that GATT has been highly related to the specific sector, still its rules where not adequately enforced in disputes developed in the particular field (Davey, 2006, p. 185). Another important weakness of GATT was the fact that it did not offer ‘development-specific provisions’ – actually, it is noted that up to 1960s only two such provisions could be identified in GATT - and that its decisions ‘were taken by consensus’.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Writer's choice- Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writer's choice- Recommendation - Essay Example The book recognizes the fact that client satisfaction is an imperative factor that determines a firm’s profit margin. Essentially, the book establishes a foundation upon which ethical financial management practices can be based. Moreover, the reader gets a gist of legal repercussions that might be associated with unethical practices while offering services to clients. I found the book helpful in my law practice since it provides valuable information that outline ethical behavior characteristics and the various legal actions that may be adopted to protect the clients’ interest. However, the book has some various flaws that make it difficult to rely on it alone. For instance, the book does not provide a comprehensive legal process that can be followed by clients in case of unethical practices by service providers. I wish the book addressed more on the approaches to be followed to restore ethics in the money industry. In addition, the book should have talked more of planning since the money business has grown quite dynamic. In summary, the book provides useful concepts but has been very narrow-focused as it focuses one similar
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
FinalTake-Home Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
FinalTake-Home Exam - Essay Example This urban phenomenon is actually the effect of the larger American policies of relating the nation’s economic structure with the global economy. In the decades following the 1970s, huge corporate owners and multimillionaires have encouraged the fall of â€Å"Fordist-Keynesian model of accumulation†and have witnessed the growth of â€Å"neoliberal-globalization†model (Arena, 2012, p.xx). In order to cope with increasing globalization, the ultra rich class has used the tactics of stripping the urban areas of poverty and low-income classes. The idea was to shift the base of production to low wage areas in the south of the U.S. In these areas, business activities are not dictated by labor unions and also there are close ties between state and local governments. Thus, the brunt of gentrification has been endured by the worker class since wages have declined sharply. On the other hand, the benefits fell on the affluent population of American cities. Gentrification h as essentially hindered the growth of production center as the focus was on expanding the service sector. During the second half of the twentieth century, the industrial areas of American cities were transformed into centers of urban amenities like hotels, restaurants, malls and so on. Thus, wealth began to get accumulated in the hands of the ultra rich making them even richer at the expense of poorer urban community. The author has explored the political struggles in New Orleans that occurred as a result of privatization of public housing. From 1960s onwards the U.S. federal government played a vital role for providing housing provisions at affordable rents, and for this the government promoted strategies that encourage financial sponsorship of the private owners of rental housing sectors. Contrary to the properties that are publicly owned, houses that are constructed solely for the purpose of providing housing at affordable rents were construction by support from federal programs like Low Income Housing Tax Credit launched in 1986, and home funds from National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (Arena, 2012, p.4). Such subsidization of private housing has been supported by the political opponents since it was an appropriate process for delivery low rent housing provisions. It has been claimed that historically U.S. government has failed to provide quality public services at low price because of inefficient bureaucracies. Failure of the government encouraged private sectors to enter public service sector in order to provide quality services at affordable prices. This also enhanced the financial interest of the private sectors. The two housing projects, St. Thomas and Iberville were identified as lucrative areas by political and economic elites, especially the areas inhabited by the African American community. The area surrounding St. Thomas which was predominated by the Blacks was particularly regarded as a hindrance to tourism. The idea was to evict this communi ty in order to transform the cities’ factories, warehouses and low income housing to promote tourism. Struggle ensued when the responsibility of removing the Blacks fell on the black political elite. In the year 1986, two black candidates participated in the mayoral race. William Jefferson who was an Angle- African American became the mayor that year. The losing candidate, Sidney Barthelemy befriended the low
Monday, July 22, 2019
Resistance to Change Essay Example for Free
Resistance to Change Essay The formula states that, to overcome the resistance to change, these three components must all be present (dissatisfaction, vision, and first steps). An organization must have dissatisfaction with the current situation, a vision of the possibilities the future can bring, and attainable first steps to reach the vision. â€Å"If any of the three is zero or near zero, the product will also be zero or near zero and the resistance to change will dominate†(Rouda Kusy, 1995). One of the models of OD interventions is Action Research. It follows three major procedures. First, data would be collected regarding the current system in relation to the objective, goal, or need of that system. Then, selected variables within the system would be altered based on the research. Finally, the results would be evaluated (French Bell, 1990 cited in Rouda Kusy, 1995). On the other hand, training and development (TD) is a learning process that involves a systematic development of individuals’ expertise to improve the performance of the individual and the organization (Swanson, 2003; Rouda Kusy, 1996). The desired results of TD can be classified into four categories: reaction, learning, behavior or performance, and outcome or results. Reaction involves the evaluation of the training program (e. g. , trainee satisfaction). Learning focuses on the change in the participants after the training (e. g. , change in skills, knowledge, or attitudes). Behavior or performance is the application of learning gained from the training to the job or organization. Finally, outcomes or results relate the impact of training on the productivity and profitability of the organization. TD is usually evaluated using the last two categories, i. e. , the transfer of learning to the success of the organization and its overall impact on the organization (Kirkpatrick, 1983 cited in Rouda Kusy, 1996). For effective and efficient training, a planned instructional systems design (ISD) process is implemented for the assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation of training. ISD begins with organizational needs assessment, which involves â€Å"surveying, identifying and prioritizing training needs, analyzing the causes of performance problems and opportunities, and identifying possible solutions. †Needs assessment is necessary to determine if the training will be cost-effective and if it is the appropriate solution (Rouda Kusy, 1996). The training design should include an analysis of the learners’ characteristics, the place where work will be performed, and the expected tasks and duties to be performed by the trainees. A complete review of the subject matter should also be conducted and the goals and performance objectives of the training must be established. A plan to evaluate the training should be devised and the instructional materials and strategies must be obtained, prepared, and pre-tested. Factors Affecting the Future Trends of HRD Practices A study was conducted by Ruona and her colleagues (2002) to identify the factors affecting the practice of HRD and its role in the future. Results showed that globalization, technology, changing organization and workforce demographics, and the ability of HRD to keep up with the changes in the environment are the forces that influence HRD. The prevalence of globalization requires HRD practitioners to understand and integrate further intercultural practices in the organization, as opposed to imposing a western view on individuals in other countries. The rapid technological development, on the other hand, would have a significant impact on learning practices, such as e-learning and virtual offices. Hopkins and her associates (2006) added that the scarcity of computer literate employees poses an overwhelming challenge in creating HRD programs, as it hampers instruction and learning process. Meanwhile, as globalization and technology prompt changes in the organization, the workforce demographics have become increasingly diversified, driving the force that would revolutionize HRD practices. Thus, there is a need to examine whether current HRD practices of an organization have the ability to adapt to the changing conditions in the organization (Ruona, et al. , 2002). Changes in the role of HRD in future were also identified. The findings of the study revealed that learning, change and organization system, and knowledge management and creation are the key roles of HRD in an organization. HRD practitioners identified learning and human development as the highest competitive advantage of the field. They emphasized the importance of the effective use and systematic integration of learning methodologies in the organization. They urge HRD to focus on creating cultures that would foster an environment that is truly conducive to learning, such as assigning challenging tasks and implementing reward systems that encourage learning. The rapid changes taking place in the organization also require HRD practitioners to assist people to overcome their resistance to the changes. These people also need to be assisted in coping up with the changes. Future trends also dictate that HRD must fulfill its role in creating and managing knowledge to prevent information overload (Ruona, et al. , 2002). Conclusion Akdere, M. Conceicao, S. (2006). Integration of human resource development and adult education theories and practices: Implications for organizational learning. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference Proceedings, 295-301. Columbus, Ohio De Silva, S. Human resource development for competitiveness: a priority for employers. Geneva: ILO, 1998
Bmw Films Essay Example for Free
Bmw Films Essay The primary issue faced by Jim McDowell is what to do for his next marketing campaign. He will need to decide what direction BMW will take in order to stay current in the target market and position the brand as the leader in the luxury car industry. A sub issue that Jim is facing is that in order for BMW to stand out compare to the competition, it must be at the forefront of the marketing trend. There is always pressure on innovative marketing campaigns as a bad campaign can lead to severe damage in the company image and reputation. Decision Alternatives. There are a number of alternatives that Jim faces when deciding in what direction to move with the BMW marketing campaign. Develop more short films and build a big series out of it. Develop a full length movie for the theatres Do nothing to the existing campaign and move on to develop a new campaign To continue to use the existing BMW films plus developing a new campaign Creating new films on the heels of the original films plus developing a new campaign Develop a full length movie plus developing a new campaign In order to decide the best alternative it is important to look at some key decision criteria. In this case the important factors would be: delivery time, risk, cost, competitive advantage, ease of implementation. Analysis of Industry In the luxury car segment, BMW and Mercedes have stand strong against the strong competition from Japan like Acura, Lexus, Infiniti. In year 2001, BMW is second best luxury car seller, just behind Lexus amount the other ten major luxury brands. However, BMW only ranked 8th in media expenditures, which again proved the great success on their innovative campaign. In terms of customer loyalty, luxury brand customers do tend to stay among the top brands and are very loyal. There are always customers who switch from BMW to Mercedes or the other way around. Since BMW has the competitive advantage of a younger clientele, it is very important for BMW to create marketing campaign to young adult so they can look forward to own a BMW when they can afford one. Analysis of Company Evaluation of Alternatives Alternative #1, 2, and 3 should only be considered as a short term alternative that can achieve quick beneficial results with no long term prospects because all the alternatives evolve around the same film concept, which eventually will wear out and target audience will not be interested in it anymore. Alternative #4 takes into account with BMW’s long term goal, to be the leader in the industry with innovative campaigns. However, developing a new concept takes time and research before implementation, therefore some immediate alternatives needs to be done before the new campaign kicks in. Alternative #5, 6, or 7 will achieve that goal. Alternative #5 Introduce the BMW films to new markets that may have missed the online films during the campaign period will enable BMW to entice an entirely new segment. By showing the films throughother mediums, BMW will be able to reach a wider audience plus raising the brand awareness. Since this campaign is so successful and unique, BMW can also produce DVD and make itas a collectible item. This alternative is easy to implement, low cost to run, low risk as the campaign is already running with huge success with good reputation. However, other companies may copy the idea and there is a chance that BMW will lose its competitive advantage as the films are getting overly exposed to the original audiences that BMW targeted during the initial campaign period. Therefore, developing another campaign while this is running is necessary in order to achieve BMW’s long term marketing goal. Alternative #6 The other option would be to follow up with another series of films on the heels of the original films. BMW would want to keep the number of films low to try and blend them into the successful original films and not to market them as another series of short films. This alternative will require some time to prepare, and the cost will be much higher in comparison to Alternative #5, which will make it harder as BMW will need more resources in creating a new campaign at the same time. It is easy to implement as all the ground works are in place from the previous films. However, this alternative will have a higher risk than other options due to the high anticipation of BMW to produce high quality films. If any of the film receives negative feedbacks, BMW will risk losing out on the campaign inwhole, plus the reputation of the series. BMW will still keep its competitive advantage with this alternative as they are still the one who leads the marketing trend. Alternative #7 Creating a full length movie can be the next big campaignfor BMW. It is a new approach and will make the brand stand out of all others. The target audience is also much wider in comparison to the initial campaign. It will take a long time to implement, and not as easy as short films because a full length film is more complicated in terms of plot and production. The cost will also go veryhigh that may use up all of BMW’s resources in marketing. It is a two sided sword because if BMW is not placed enough in the film there is no difference in doing product placement in the James Bond movie series; meanwhile if BMW is overly exposed in the film it may create negative feedbacks as it will look like an hour long commercial. The interest level of audience will also be much lower in watching a long commercial than a short film. Decision Criteria Chart Here is the chart for the best 3 alternatives: (X? low score, XXX? high score) Recommendation Based on the analysis above it is evident that the appropriate course of action is to utilize the existing movies in the short term while developing a new full scale marketing plan in the background. By utilizing the existing films BMW will be able to quickly get to market films that they have already completed. They will ride the coat tails of the internet marketing, however by introducing the films to another target markets, BMW will hopefully build on the impact created by the original films. There is relatively low risk to this model because BMW has already invested in the films and by using different mediums to convey their message it is likely that an entirely new market segment will appreciate the films as the original audience did. Although the potential payback may not as great as some off the wall innovative idea, the concept behind releasing the films to a different audience should allow more time and resources to develop another new campaign. If there are enough resources, BMW can also consider creating 1 or 2 more films to avoid losing the competitive advantage toward the target audience.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Structure of DNA: An Overview
Structure of DNA: An Overview The structure of DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is generally found in all organisms as well as humans. DNA is an inherited material that every person has, and is set up in both the cell nucleus and the mitochondria. A higher percentage of human DNA comprise of nuclear DNA because it is found in the nucleus. (Berger, 1998). DNA comprises of numerous properties, the most significant being; that it can copy itself. In the occurrence of this process, the twofold helix strands of DNA are employed as a model for replicating the base sequences. (Watson, 2011). This is an important process in the event of cell division due to the vital requirement for each new cell to carry an accurate DNA copy found in the mature cell. Adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and uracil (U) are major five chemical bases that accumulate DNA’s coded information (Watson Crick, 2003). There are over three billion of such chemicals. More than 99% of these bases have been proved to be reliable in all humans (Buch ini Leumann, 2003). As a result of the complexity and association of the entire DNA structure, an in-depth look of each part; DNA is the genetic information of nearly all living organisms. It can be copied over age brackets of cells; it can be converted into proteins; and can be mended when required. DNA is a polymer, composed of nucleotides (Watson Crick, 2003) Hydrogen bonds: bases pairing The (hydrophobic) bases are piled on the in the interior, their level surface are vertical to the axis of the double helix (Berger, 1998). The exterior (phosphate and sugar) is hydrophilic. Hydrogen limits between the bases of one strand and that of the other strand grip the two strands together (dashed lines in the drawing). A purine on one strand links to a pyrimidine on the other strand. Consequently, the number of purines deposits matches the number of pyrimidine deposits (Watson, 2011). A binds T (with 2 hydrogen bounds), while G binds C (with 3 hydrogen bounds: more stable link: 5.5 kcal vs 3.5 kcal) (Rà ¤dler Safinya, 1997). Thus, the substance in A in the DNA is equal to the one in T, and the substance in G equals the one in C. The complement of the 2 strands is as a result of this (AT and GC) correspondence. One serves as a template of the other, and vice versa. This feature allows exact replication (â€Å"semi-conservative replication: one strand -the template- is conserved, another is newly synthesized, same with the second strand, conserved, allowing another one to be newly synthesized†) (Buchini Leumann, 2003). The model of Watson and Crick above described sometimes differs from the Hydrogen bounds in base pairing from using the N7 atom of the purine instead of the N1 (Hoogsteen model). Figure 1 Major groove and minor groove The double helix is a rather inflexible and thick molecule of a huge extent and a small diameter. It presents both major groove and a minor groove (Patil, Rhodes Burgess, 2004). The major groove is profound and broad; the minor groove is thin and shallow. DNA-protein connections are essential procedures in the life of the cell life. Proteins connect at the ground of the DNA grooves, using a precise binding: hydrogen bounds, and distracted binding: van der Waals exchanges. Proteins recognize H-bond donors, H-bond acceptors, methyl groups (hydrophobic), which are later in the major groove (Rà ¤dler Safinya, 1997). The major groove involves 4 likely patterns of recognition, and 2 with the minor groove. A few proteins bind DNA in its major groove, some other in the minor groove, and some need to bind to both. The minor groove of double helical B-DNA is a sector of great attention for rising new drugs because of its non-covalence high succession specific connections for a huge number of tiny molecules (Berger, 1998). Minor groove binding lies among the broadly studied class of agents exemplified by, an advanced succession specificity and possessing diverse biological actions. A number of them display antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal properties. However, others have shown antitumor activity. Figure 2 H-DNA or triplex DNA Inverted repeats (palindromes) of polypurine/polypyrimidine DNA stretches can structure triplex structures (triple helix) (Watson Crick, 2003). A triple-stranded together with a single stranded DNA are formed. H-DNA may have a function in practical regulation of gene appearance as well as on RNAs (e.g. repression of transcription). Figure 3 Triplex Forming Nucleotides Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) have attained significant focus as a possible therapeutic agent to aim gene expression (Patil, Rhodes Burgess, 2004). They are a group of DNA oligonucleotides which are capable of fusing with other main groove of the duplex DNA creating triple helix (Buchini Leumann, 2003). The creation of a triplex beside the main groove leads to competition with the fusing of transcription factors and the proteins essential for transcription. TFOs provide specificity sequence and hence can be used to aim and inhibit appearance of specific genes which are associated with a particular disease state. In addition TFOs can also be used as diagnostic agents for identification of a foreign DNA (viral or bacterial) or any diseases associated to mutations. Binding of Triplex Forming Oligonucleotides TFOs, in the span of approximately 20 bases, can bind in the major groove via Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds to the purine (A and G) bases on the double stranded DNA, already in the structure of the Watson-Crick helix. The binding can take place at the extent of pyrimidines of one DNA strand and the opposite purines on the other. TFOs bind to the strand with purines. Respective of their base composure, TFOs can bind to the double helix in either parallel or antiparallel direction to the purine-bearing strand (Buchini Leumann, 2003). TFOs made of pyrimidines (C and T) bind to the purine-rich strand of the objective double helix via Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a parallel manner. TFOs comprised of purines (A and G), or mixed purine and pyrimidine (G and T) bind to the same purine-rich strand through reverse Hoogsteen bonds in an anti-parallel style (Rà ¤dler Safinya, 1997). Oligonucleotides with modified structural features Oligonucleotides hauling other compound moieties besides the normal bases are called â€Å"modified oligonucleotides†. The modifications can be situated at the 3’- or 5’-end of the oligonucleotide, or within the sugar-phosphate stamina or at the nucleobases. Mainly all PCR applications are still potential if the modification is close to the 5’- end of the oligonucleotide. Contrary, modifications at the 3’- end typically wedge this end for extra enzymatic response. In order to achieve an absolute blocking, an inverted end or C3-Spacer modification is recommended (Patil, Rhodes Burgess, 2004). Chemically synthesized oligonucleotides bear free hydroxy (OH) collection at their relevant 3’- and 5’- ends (Berger, 1998). Besides, some biological tests need the presence of the natural structure of an oligonucleotide. This modification requires being ordered explicitly (Rà ¤dler Safinya, 1997). Structure and Limitations DNA triple helices figure in a sequence-specific way on polypurine:polypyrimidine tracts (1–3), which are extensive in mammalian genomes (4–6). The third thread recline in the major groove of an integral duplex and is calmed by two Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds between third strand bases and the purines in the duplex (3, 7) (Buchini Leumann, 2003). The third strand may comprise of pyrimidines, or purines, respective of the character of the target succession. In the pyrimidine (or Y.R:Y) motif, a homopyrimidine oligonucleotide binds in a trend parallel to the purine strand in the duplex, with canonical base triplets of T.A:T and C.G:C. In the alternate purine motif (R.R:Y), a homopurine strand binds antiparallel to the purine strand, with base triplets of A.A:T and G.G:C (8, 9) (Buchini Leumann, 2003). The development of TFOs could involve sequence-specific gene targeting reagents in live cells (12–17) (Berger, 1998). Despite this, several obstacles still need to be overcome. Triplex chemistry and biochemistry inflict essential limitations to TFO action in the nuclear setting, and target choices are inadequate to polypurine:polypyrimidine sequences (Watson, 2011). Additionally, it is evident that nucleosomes can inhibit triplex formation (18–20). As a result, ease of access to genomic targets is an important issue. Potential applications of TFOs-gene targeting Potential applications of TFOs embrace gene targeting treatment particularly for cancer and the study of gene expressions. TFOs can hush a gene record by aiming the dictation initiation sites, (i.e., the promoter region), or by targeting recording of elongation by striking at the triplex binding sites. Specifity of sequence is the answer to efficient genetic targeting. With the use of specificity, genes that are targeted can be changed in many ways. Gene therapy agents change into loose cannons inside the cells without it. Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) fuse into main groove of the duplex DNA with high affinity and specificity (Watson, 2011). Due to these properties, TFOs have been thought as host devices for the genetic manipulation. Recent researches have shown that TFOs have the ability to mediate targeted gene success in mice, establishing the basis for the possible application of those molecules in a human being’s gene therapy. Molecules that fuse with the DNA double helix might interfere with gene appearance and, to add to the potential therapeutic applications, it can be useful for the research of DNA processing, package of chromatin, or related biological processes. The Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) fuse with specific sequences in DNA double helix through hydrogen bonding interactions. The TFOs have been revealed to down-regulate the expression of the gene, to induce aimed genomic DNA modifications, so as to fasten DNA combination, and also to regulate chromatin organization. In addition to this, they can be used as transporting agents to place DNA-modifying agents into selected sequences (Patil, Rhodes Burgess, 2004). Something important regarding TFO technologies are the creation of fresh oligonucleotide analogues which have improved fusing affinity, sufficient stability and better target selectivity, in intracellular environment. References Watson, J. D, Crick, F. H, 2003, The structure of DNA. In Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Vol. 18, pp. 123-131, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Berger, J. M. (1998). Structure of DNA topoisomerases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Structure and Expression, 1400(1), 3-18. Rà ¤dler, J. Safinya, C. R., 1997, Structure of DNA-cationic liposome complexes: DNA Intercalation in Multilamellar Membranes in Distinct Interhelical Packing Regimes, Science, 275(5301), 810-814. Watson, J. D, 2011, The double helix: A personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA, Simon and Schuster. Buchini, S., Leumann, C. J, 2003, Recent improvements in antigene technology, Current opinion in chemical biology, 7(6), 717-726. Patil, S. D., Rhodes, D. G., Burgess, D. J, 2004, Anionic liposomal delivery system for DNA transfection, The AAPS journal, 6(4), 13-22.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Architectural Designs Of Castles Vs. Modern Homes :: essays research papers
Is the architectural design of modern homes slowly changing back to the architectural design of castles in the Middle Ages? If design of homes is changing back to design of castles is it a reflection on our society that castles of the Middle Ages were built primarily for defense. Does this mean that as a society we are tying to pull away from each other? There are many similar characteristics and features between modern homes and castles that are incorporated into the design specifically for defense reasons. Â Â Â Â Â Castles in the Middle Ages were built primarily for defense in war. They were constantly being attacked so they had to be built very strong and almost impenetrable. Castles were very large to protect from invaders, but they were definitely not made for comfort. They were very dirty inside, but their main purpose was for defense. Castles were built with very strong walls. Some of the castles had walls that could be as big as thirty feet thick. They also had multiple walls so that if invaders got past the outer wall they still had to get past one or two more, this made defending the castle much easier. The walls were constructed with narrow, wedge-shaped slits in them for archers to shoot arrows at invaders. The outer walls also had holes in the floors for defenders to drop rocks down on invading people who had gotten through the first wall. These holes were called murder holes. Inside the castle were many knights, archers, and soldiers prepared to defend against an yone who breaks all of the way through the walls and gets inside of the castle. Castles also had very large gates and gatehouses to let people into the castle. There was a gatehouse for each wall. Each gatehouse usually had a very large metal and wooden gate that could be lowered into the opening to stop an enemy from getting in or it could be raised to let friends in. Besides huge gates, outer gatehouses also had drawbridges, which could be lowered across moats to let people into the castle. They were also raised to prevent people form getting across. Castles were also built in strategic places so that they could use natural defenses. For instance, some castles were built on the sides of mountains. Others were built in places with many trees surrounding them. Some were built near lakes and rivers, but most of them had moats dug around them.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Racism Essay -- essays research papers
What is Racism?      Racism is one of those unusual things which seem to escape the understanding of clear and to the point definition. Racism is a system of racial discrimination and prejudice. The concept of race as classifying people can be seen as misleading people and prejudicial as far as it’s involved in the quality of human life. The term race has been quite confusing because of its four principle connotations. 1. Physical anthropologists have called races the various subspecies of the human race characterized by certain phonotypical and genotypic traits. 2. Laymen have profusely used the word race to describe a human group that shares certain cultural characteristics such as language or religion. 3. Race has been loosely used as a synonym for species. 4. Many social scientists describe race as a human group that defines itself and/or is defined by other groups as different from other groups by moral excellence of having an essential characteristics and unchangeable characteristics.(Van den Berghe, Race and Racism pg. 42) The last key term to define racism is any set of beliefs that organic, genetically transmitted differences between human groups are associated with the presence or the absence of certain socially relevant abilities or characteristics, hence that such differences are a legitimate basis of invidious distinctions between groups socially defined as races. Racism in America There is no nation in the world that sees â€Å"racis...
Raising the Mammoth :: Animals History Ice Age Essays
Raising the Mammoth Back in the spring of 2000, a documentary was broadcast from the scovery channel show on television, which millions tuned in to watch. This particular segment was dedicated to a recent discovery and excavation of a woolly mammoth found in the Siberian tundra of Russia. The expedition was headed by scientist, Bernard Buigues. This individual has organized over 20 different expeditions to the Siberian tundra of Russia, which made him highly qualified. Along with other colleges, Bernard successfully excavated a frozen, fully in tact, woolly mammoth that is said to be over 20,000 years old. (Head scientist: Bernard Buigues) What is a woolly mammoth? A woolly mammoth is a similar ancestor of the African and Asian elephants of today. It belongs to the same mammal classification known as proboscidenas, or mammals with long trunk like noses. Both of these breeds come from the same family tree but are distinct cousins. As you can see the woolly mammoth had fur all around it to protect it from the frigid Artic weather conditions of the ice age when it was around. These animals were travelers and like there cousins could be found in every continent besides Australia and South America. Not all looked alike but where classified together because of the trunk like nose characteristics. These animals would spend much of there time dedicated to eating and supporting their massive body weight. They were not carnivores but plant eaters. One woolly mammoth would eat up to 200 pounds of food a day to sustain it's self. It would dedicate up to 20 hours a day grazing on the fie lds and eating herbs, shrubs even parts of trees as it's diet. Because of their massive size the woolly mammoth really had no predators. Their huge tusks and ability to move with a deadly strike made them bullies of their ice age. A few would be taken down only due to old age or young lives but not as a mature adult. The woolly mammoth did live to a good age without many worries but with a huge appetite. The mammoth that was discovered in the Russian Siberian tundra was exactly this. So what is in the future for such a remarkable creature?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Economic Challenges In Health Care Health And Social Care Essay
This paper explores the uninsured and underinsured job that is known in America. It talks about perplexing statistics sing these two issues. Another subject discussed is the Health Care Reform measure and asks why America is so opposed to such a good alteration. The chief focal point of this paper is on California and more specifically San Mateo County. Discussed are province and county wellness benefits along with one of San Mateo County ‘s largest wellness system Mills-Peninsula Health Services, which is a Sutter Health affiliate.Economic Challenges in Health CareToday, wellness attention is at the top of societal and economic issues that are faced by Americans. Medical attention and insurance costs are on the rise and are impacting the support of a huge bulk of Americans. Americans are being faced with the inability to pay for medical attention that is needed. In the whole image this is non merely impacting the uninsured but Americans with wellness insurance are besides affe cted. The province of California has high Numberss of people that are uninsured or underinsured. California has different plans in topographic point to help the general populace that is missing equal wellness coverage and besides aids those with no coverage. California has province and county plans to assist with the load of non holding insurance and it besides helps supplement occupants who are underinsured. Medi-Cal is one of the most accessed plans by the occupants of California. The county of San Mateo is one of the larger counties in California and holds some of the highest Numberss of underinsured and uninsured people of the province. This county has plans set in topographic point that will assist with those who qualify. Mills-Peninsula Medical Services, one of the largest wellness systems in the county, besides provides aid for those who are underinsured and/or uninsured. Mill-Peninsula Medical Services is a portion of the Sutter Health System, which is a not-for-profit organ isation that is community based. Mills-Peninsula is at that place for the community and for people who need wellness attention that can non afford it at other installations. When looking at all of the Numberss and statistics, why does America non desire the Health Care Reform? The Health attention Reform will offer legion benefits to America. Americans need to be able to swear their authorities and necessitate to be assured that the authorities is making what is best for the United States.-I think you should interrupt this immense paragraph into a few smaller 1s. Seems like it is all running together but needs some differentiation. Underinsured are those in the population who have wellness insurance but still have fiscal troubles paying for their wellness attention demands. Underinsured persons are faced with lifting wellness attention premiums, deductibles, and copayments every bit good as their insurance programs holding restrictions for assorted services. Underinsured persons may be besides faced with higher out-of-pocket disbursals. The United States is get downing to be known as a state with the worst wellness attention systems in the universe. The United States does non supply any kind of cosmopolitan wellness attention for its citizens and besides has one of the highest rates of wellness attention expenditures. The following are facts harmonizing to wellness attention statistics: In 2007, about 50 million Americans did non hold wellness insurance, while another 25 million were underinsured. The sum people pay for wellness insurance increased 30 per centum from 2001 to 2005, while income for the same period of clip merely increased 3 per centum. The entire one-year premium for a typical household wellness insurance program offered by employers was $ 12,680 in 2008. Health attention expenditures in the United States exceed $ 2 trillion a twelvemonth. In comparing, the federal budget is $ 3 trillion a twelvemonth. The figure of people who are underinsured has grown 60 per centum to 25 million over the past four old ages. The fastest turning section of the underinsured is the in-between and upper income households ( Health attention statistics 2011 ) . In the population of the uninsured, an estimated ten per centum of kids and striplings still remain uninsured, about eight million. Research has been conducted and its consequences have shown that 20 per centum of kids and striplings will hold a diagnosable mental or substance usage status each twelvemonth, which in Numberss is about 1.6 million. The figure of grownups who are uninsured is about 20 per centum of Americans, which is 37 million people under the age of 65 ( Manderscheid, 2011 ) . These Numberss are being shown higher due to the American unemployment rate. It is expected to turn every bit long as the unemployment Numberss stay increased. Statistically by cultural beginning, 19.6 per centum of African-Americans and 32.7 per centum of Hispanics are uninsured while the White, non-Hispanic population merely account for 11.3 per centum ( Manderscheid, 2011 ) . While those Numberss are merely demoing the population that is without insurance the following class to be discussed is Americans who have insurance but are underinsured. Approximately 50 per centum of kids and striplings are underinsured, 40 million in Numberss ( Manderscheid, 2011 ) . Adults under the age of 65 are frequently underinsured by Medicare and Medicaid due to certain restrictions. For the one-hundred million grownups who have insurance through private suppliers, being underinsured is a job for about six million of them ( Manderscheid, 2011 ) . It is easy to see why people are uninsured due to the fact they either do non take to hold a wellness program or they can non afford to hold a medical wellness program. Looking into why people are underinsured includes many factors. Some grounds for being underinsured include but are non limited to employers non holding group insurance offered to their employees. Another ground is wellness benefits being excessively expensive, therefore persons can non afford programs. Although persons may measure up for province insurance, their portion of cost may be excessively expensive. Underinsured persons include people who are insured all twelvemonth but have at least one of the undermentioned qualifiers: medical disbursals greater than ten per centum of one-year income, an one-year income less than two-hundred per centum of the federal poorness degree and medical disbursals greater than five per centum of one-year income, wellness program deductibles equal to or greater than five per centum of one-year income ( Nunley, MD, 2008 ) . The undermentioned are known facts about underinsured Americans: About 16 million grownups with full-year coverage were underinsured in 2003. One out of every three grownups in the United States is either uninsured or underinsured. Underinsured grownups are more likely than those with more equal coverage to face hold programs with higher cost- sharing characteristics, program bounds, and more restrictive benefits. Despite their more limited coverage, underinsured grownups frequently incur high out-of-pocket costs. One-third of the underinsured rated their insurance negatively, approximately double the rate of those with more equal insurance. The underinsured are more likely than those with more equal coverage to be insured by beginnings other than employer-based programs than those with more equal coverage ( Nunley, MD, 2008 ) . These statistics are perplexing. It is dismaying to conceive of these types of Numberss to be true. One would ne'er believe that here in America, the citizens are traveling without equal wellness attention needs because of being uninsured and/or underinsured. With these scaring Numberss and statistics shown above, one would believe that the American leaders would be stepping in to assist modulate the wellness attention demands of their people. It is known that when these wellness attention measures are non being paid it is increasing the cost of wellness attention in America as a whole. If a infirmary and/or clinic is non having money due to Americans being unable to pay their medical measures, so in fact, wellness installations will necessitate to increase costs for those who can afford wellness attention so the installation, itself can remain afloat. Health attention reform was set into drama by United States President Barack Obama to offer the population to have wellness attention benefits. The ideal ground for the Health Care Reform is to diminish the cost of wellness attention in America. There are many people who are against this. The logical thinking is so simple to see with all of the benefits that it has to offer. So why non take advantage of this? A great intelligence publication was done by MSNBC where polls were taken on the positions of Americans. A inquiry that was asked was â€Å" do you believe the authorities should remain out of Medicare? ( Schuster, August 20, 2010 ) †Thirty-nine per centum of Americans said â€Å" Yes †to this inquiry, but why? Why do Americans truly believe that the authorities should remain out of this? Of those 39 per centum of Americans, do they non already cognize that Medicare is already a authorities remunerator plan? We all are already paying revenue enhancements to hold Medicare. America to a point must be misinformed or non even cognize what Medicare truly is. The inquiry that made an oculus gap experience is that 54 per centum of people who took this study thought that if wellness attention was reformed it would take to authorities take over. Peoples in America must be opposed to alter. There are no words stated in the measure that should of all time take to a authorities return over. When looking at other states that have cosmopolitan wellness attention, it is really successful. People sense alteration and do non desire to listen to the facts of what benefits this will offer to America. Another ground many American citizens are concerned with wellness attention reform is that they are scared of a authorities decease panel. Forty-five per centum of people who were surveyed thought that the Health Care Reform would really bespeak that the authorities would hold a say ( Schuster, August 20, 2010 ) . This in all actuality would non be a bad thought. Should a revenue enhancement remunerator be responsible to hold to pay for person whose household members want to maintain them on life support? If there are known facts that a patient is encephalon dead and there are no other options so yes, why non hold a panel that decides this? If America wants to maintain their wellness attention monetary values low so there does necessitate to be boundaries set. The measure, though, does non province any kind of a decease panel. Why is America so afraid of this so? Some Americans feel that they have been misinformed about old determinations and now some are unsure for this new alteration. Harmonizing to some of these statistics, this could be the job. America needs to be able to confront alteration and assure themselves that this is the best option. Harmonizing to the measure, the cost will be $ 940 billion dollars over 10 old ages. In twenty old ages this will cut down our shortage by $ 1.2 trillion dollars ( Jackson, 2010 ) . The measure states that no wellness attention coverage would cover abortions ( Jackson, 2010 ) . Some Americans believe that this will be covered but why do they believe this when it has been clearly lined out in the measure. Since the twelvemonth of 2000, California has had a big addition in the per centums of people who are uninsured. Almost one tierce of the uninsured have household incomes of more than $ 50,000 per twelvemonth. In the province of California more than 60 per centum of the uninsured populations are Latino. California has the 6th largest proportion of uninsured in the state and the largest entire figure of uninsured ( Fronstin, 2010 ) . California has 32.5 million in the entire population of the province. In those entire Numberss 6.8 million are uninsured occupants. This figure shows that there is a entire of 21 per centum of California occupants that do non transport any kind of wellness coverage. Over the past few old ages, Medi-Cal has helped countervail such worsening Numberss in California occupants non holding insurance but it is non available to everyone ; hence, it is difficult for the occupants to hold linkage to measure up for this province wellness plan. A terrific fact stated by Fronstin is that â€Å" California has a higher proportion of uninsured occupants and lower rates of employer-based coverage than the state as a whole †( Fronstin, 2010 ) . In the province of California, one in five households that have an income between $ 50,000- $ 74,999 rely on some kind of public aid that is offered through the province or the county that the persons reside in. Research has shown that approximately 10 per centum of Californians with household incomes above $ 75,000 are without wellness insurance ( Fronstin, 2010 ) . This is why California needs to and does supply some kind of wellness aid for the occupants. The following tabular array defines the different province plans that are available to the uninsured and underinsured occupants in the province of California:Types of ProgramsDescriptionsAccess for Infants and Mothers ( AIM Program ) This is a plan that is province funded with low cost wellness insurance for low to middle income pregnant adult females and their neonates. CaliforniaKids This is a wellness attention foundation that provides subsidised wellness attention services to people of the ages 2-18. California Children ‘s Services ( CCS ) CCS is a province funded plan that treats kids with certain wellness and disablement jobs. County Medical Services Program ( CMSP ) CMSP is a county plan that helps people between the ages of 21-64. Merely certain California counties offer this plan. Family Pact Family treaty is a plan for planning and generative services. Healthy Families Health Families is a province plan that offers low cost wellness and dental insurance for kids in low income households. Medi-Cal Medi-Cal is a province and federal plan that is provided to people who qualify because of low or no income and/or for dearly-won disablements. RX Help for CA This is a plan for persons who do non hold prescription drug coverage. – ( Help for the uninsured, 2010 ) California offers many plans as shown. Medi-Cal is the largest plan that is accessed by the occupants. Medi-Cal helps many occupants of California wage for wellness attention services. This is both federally and province funded. The Medi-Cal plan is supported by federal and province revenue enhancements. To measure up for Medi-Cal the occupants of California must be under the age of 21 or over the age of 65 to measure up for Medi-Cal. If the applier applying is a married twosome ( one of the persons must be absent, deceased, temporarily or for good disabled, unemployed and/or working less than 100 hours per month ) they will merely associate if there is a minor kid in the family. Besides, any individual that may measure up for Medi-Cal regardless of age are those that are lawfully blind or are disabled and unable to work for a uninterrupted 12 months. Furthermore, if a individual has been assaulted and has pressed charges on the individual who committed the assault against them they will besides hold linkage for Medi-Cal. Since Medi-Cal is a federal/state funded plan, it does hold regulations and guidelines for the people desiring to entree it. Anyone using for Medi-Cal can non hold property/assets over two-thousand dollars. The province will reexamine assets for appliers by sing look intoing histories, nest eggs histories, stocks, bonds, 401K ‘S, retirement financess, places and vehicles as belongings. Each family gets one vehicle and one house exempt for belongings and besides anything that is considered an irrevokable trust. If the belongings is over $ 2000 a spend-down procedure will be required. If the family income is over a certain sum accounting for each income in the family there will be a portion of cost to hold Medi-Cal. If one is seeking long term attention, where one member of the family needs to populate in a long term attention installation and one partner is populating in the place, $ 111,560.00 is exempt for property/assets. Not everyone qualifies for Medi-Cal but is it available for the occupants who need this type of attention program and measure up for the linkage. In the province of California, there are over five million occupants that receive Medi-Cal. A true fact about Medi-Cal is that people do non even have to be United States Citizens to have these benefits. Some people who are having this aid are non even legal occupants in the United States. The undermentioned graphs show the Population Distribution by Ethnicity, Population Distribution by Language ( Primary Speaking Language ) and Population Distribution by Citizenship Status that have been compiled by the State of California. – ( Population Distribution by Ethnicity, January 2010 ) – ( Population Distribution by Ethnicity, January 2010 ) – ( Population Distribution by Citizenship Status, January 2010 ) After analyzing these graphs it clearly states the high use of Medi-Cal by linguistic communication, ethnicity and citizenship. The graph about citizenship shows that a individual can populate in the province of California and have Medi-Cal undocumented. Why the inquiry is asked about California traveling insolvent. California gives province and federal plans to undocumented foreigners. Counties in California besides contribute to the wellness attention system. San Mateo County is the 14th largest county in California. County broad there is a entire population of 754,285 people. San Mateo County offers six different plans to its occupants. These plans are Medi-Cal, CareAdvantage, HealthWorx, San Mateo Access and Care for Everyone ( ACE ) , Healthy Families, and Healthy Kids. The following table defines each:PlanDescriptionMedi-Cal Medi-Cal is for those who are ages 21 and younger and for those over the age of 65. Besides, those with disablements qualify for Medi-Cal. There are other regulations and judicial admissions that are involved in this plan. CareAdvantage CareAdvantage is a plan which combines Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits into one simple program. HealthWorx HealthWorx is for certain excess aid employees that are employed by San Mateo County, it is for In-Home Supportive Services ( IHSS ) workers employed by the San Mateo County Public Authority and for certain parttime employees of the City of San Mateo. San Mateo Access and Care for Everyone ( ACE ) San Mateo ACE is a plan for grownups age 21 through 64 who are non eligible for other province and federal insurance plans. The appliers must populate in San Mateo County, and have low-income. Legal residence position is required for ACE. Healthy Families Healthy Families is for uninsured kids from birth to age 19 who are non eligible for full range Medi-Cal or Healthy Kids. Eligibility depends on kid ‘s age, household size and income. United States citizenship or legal residence is besides required for this plan. Healthy Childs Healthy Kids is for uninsured kids from birth to age 19 who are non eligible for Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. Immigration position does non impact eligibility for Healthy Kids. Eligibility depends on household income. Families must populate in San Mateo County. Children are required to hold been uninsured for six months in order to measure up. In the county, 92,272 occupants benefit from one of these plans which are about one-seventh of the population. A huge bulk of occupants enrolled in these plans are Spanish talking merely. San Mateo County has great benefits for its occupants in demand and besides has a great not-for-profit infirmary that offers farther aid to those in demand and that do non measure up for any of these plans or may be uninsured or underinsured. Sutter Health was created in January 2006, when the amalgamation of Sacramento Mills-Peninsula Medical Services and California Health attention System decided to do a alteration in the wellness attention systems in California. Mills-Peninsula Medical Services is known as a non for net income organisation. Mills-Peninsula Medical Services is community owned, which has been thought to function the best for the patient ‘s demands and besides the communities in general. It is a known fact that patients treated at a for-profit or authorities owned infirmary are two to four times more likely to endure from a preventable inauspicious consequence than a patient who is treated at not-for-profit organisations ( Mills-Peninsula Medical Services, 2011 ) . The shareholders for Mills-Peninsula Medical Services are the communities. A great benefit to this is that at for-profit wellness systems have fiscal inducements to avoid caring for the uninsured and underinsured patients. They besides have a fiscal inducement to avoid difficult to function populations and unwanted geographic countries such as rural countries. In many of Northern California ‘s underserved rural venues, Mills-Peninsula Medical Services is the lone supplier of infirmary and exigency medical services in the community ( Mills-Peninsula Medical Services, 2011 ) . Mills-Peninsula Medical Services provides charity attention and particular plans to communities. The support of the community helps the organisation expand services, introduce new plans and better medical engineering. Mills-Peninsula Medical Services receives its support by federal grants, medical charities, medical insurance, and patients paying their measures. Due to the fact that there are many patients who are uninsured and who ca n't pay at that place measures, the ground for necessitating grants and charities are a important benefit for the wellness organisation. There have been generous contributions donated to the Mills-Peninsula Medical Services organisation ( Mills-Peninsula Medical Services, 2011 ) . Runing a not-for-profit organisation is entirely depended on its community. Mills-Peninsula Medical Services has given back on everything to its community since this is where the most financess are coming from. When the communities who are involved with the organisation dedicate themselves to those services the organisation in return can assist the communities by maintain up with the latest engineering, new accomplishments, and acquire the right specializer for the demands of all patients to see that the organisation is supplying the greatest wellness attention that is out at that place. Economic challenges in wellness attention affect the United States greatly. Uninsured and underinsured people mostly impact the societal and economical issues that are faced non merely in the province of California but besides in America. With America ‘s unemployment rates at its highest, it besides affects why citizens are populating with out run intoing their medical demands. Without the province of California supplying some kind of public aid to its occupants, these Numberss could be higher and have an even greater impact on the province than what they presently do. It is great that the Sutter Health affiliate, Mills-Peninsula Medical Services, a not-for-profit organisation besides provides support for the uninsured and underinsured occupants of San Mateo County. At this clip, the United States needs to implement some kind of aid to assist with run intoing all wellness attention demands for all persons or the figure and statistics that have been shown will maintain turning v astly.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Poverty in India Essay
meagerness is the red ink of provender, shelter, m unityy and clothing that occurs when great deal send word non satisfy their basal inevitably. exiguity can be understood simply as a lack of money, or much broadly in terms of barriers to prevalent life. It refers to a situation where a soulfulness is unable meet the raw material necessities of life. coercive privation or destitution refers to the express of severe deprivation of basic gracious needs, which commonly includes nutrient, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, wellness c atomic lean 18, gentility and info. The step of income a psyche or family needs to purchase an absolute bar of the basic necessities of life. These basic necessities be identified in terms of nutritionists calories of nourishment, BTUs of energy, squ are feet of living space, etceterateraThe line of work with the absolute mendicancy take is that there re all(prenominal)y are no absolutes when in comes to consuming computa bles. congener meagreness views need as well-disposedly de auraate and dependent on social context, consequently relative poverty is a broadside of income inequality. Usually, relative poverty is measured as the perpennyage of population with income little than or so fixed proportion of median income. there are several different varied income inequality metrics, for example the Gini coefficient or the Theil Index. Relative poverty measures are apply as official poverty rates in several highly-developed countries. As much(prenominal) these poverty statistics measure inequality kind of than material deprivation or hardship. The measurements are unremarkably based on a psyches yearly income and oft take no account of keep down wealth.DefinitionsUnited Nations Fundamentally, poverty is a defending team of choices and opportunities, a violation of sympathetic race dignity. It heart lack of basic capacity to move into effectively in society. It elbow room non having enough to food and clothing a family, not having a school or clinic to go to, not having the land on which to grow ones food or a job to piddle ones living, not having entryway to credit. It means insecurity, powerlessness and exclusion of individuals, planetary houses and communities. It means susceptibility to violence, and it often implies living in marginal or fragile environments, without devil to reinvigorated water or sanitation. public Bank impoverishment is pronounced deprivation in well-being, and comprises mevery dimensions. It includes natural depression incomes and the inability to acquire the basic goods and services essential for survival with dignity. impoverishment likewise encompasses paltry takes of health and education, low-down entre to clean water and sanitation, in nice physical security, lack of voice, and insufficient capacity and opportunity to part ones life. Copenhagen Decla proportionalityn domineering poverty is a condition chara cterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income and also on access to social services. The term absolute poverty is nightimes synonymously referred to as extreme poverty. being Health Organisation pauperization is associated with the undermining of a range of key human attri only whenes, including health. The scurvy are exposed to greater personalized and environmental health risks, are less well nourished, form less information and are less able to access health care they thus acquire a higher risk of distemper and disability.Conversely, illness can reduce household savings, lower learning ability, reduce productivity, and live on to a diminished quality of life, thereby perpetuating or even increasing poverty. Poverty promissory note is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a given(p) country. In practice, like the definiti on of poverty, the official or common understanding of the poverty aura is significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries. The common multi content poverty line has in the prehistoric been roughly $1 a day. In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power relation (PPP). Determining the poverty line is usually done by finding the totality cost of all the essential re initiations that an come human adult consumes in one year.Individual factors are often used to account for various circumstances, such as whether one is a parent, elderly, a child, married, etc. The poverty doorstep may be adjusted annually. Below Poverty string is an economic benchmark and poverty threshold used by the government of India to reason economic disadvantage and to invest individuals and households in need of government assistance and aid. It is find using various parameters which vary from invoke to state and within states. The p resent criteria are based on a mess conducted in 2002. Going into a wad due for a decade, Indias fareinal government is undecided on criteria to identify families to a lower place poverty line.Poverty in IndiaThe problem of poverty and unemployment is considered as the biggest dispute to schooling planning in India. spicy poverty levels are synonymous with wretched quality of life, deprivation, malnutrition, illiteracy and low human resource development. The slogan of poverty annihilation has been adopted by all political parties in one form or another and there is a bailiwick agreement for the goal of poverty alleviation. The topic consensus on poverty alleviation provided the in overtakeible condition for launching various aims and political platforms aimed at achieving this objective. But the persistence of poverty during all these old age suggests that the national consensus on objectives did not and could not provide sufficient conditions for poverty alleviation. The starting point for estimating the number of households downstairs the poverty line is a nutritional sine qua non per person per day at some base point. there is a debate on the minimum calorie requirement, and whether it should be the same for all move of the country. Most acceptable figures are 2,400 calories per person per day in countrified areas, and 2,200 calories per person per day in urban areas. The succeeding(prenominal) step is to translate the nutrient requirement into monetary terms. The phthisis level of households which are able to spend the requisite amount to obtain the desired calories serves as the cut-off point, or the poverty line. To adjust the poverty line over a period of time, expense variations have to be considered and an appropriate legal injury deflator has to be selected. The problem arises in deciding upon such a deflator. Thus, the following elements in general affect the magnitude of the poverty ratio (i) the nutrition norm (translated i nto monetary terms)(ii) scathe deflator used to update the poverty line and(iii) pro rata adjustment in the number of households in different expenditure classes to check into the number of households below and preceding(prenominal) the poverty line. Different assumptions and methods are used for these ternion purposes, which accounts for the different estimates provided by scholars. The Planning commission has been estimating the incidence of poverty at the national and state level using the methodological analysis contained in the report of the Expert concourse on Estimation of Proportion and flake of Poor (Lakdawala Committee) and applying it to consumption expenditure entropy from the large sample surveys on consumer expenditure conducted by the NSSO ( depicted object Sample Survey Organisation) at an interval of approximately five geezerhood.Estimates of Poverty (Per centime)Year entirely India country-bred urban All India Poverty Ratio Rural Poverty Ratio Urban Po verty Ratio physical body (per cent) Number (per cent) Number (per cent) (Million) (Million) (Million) 1973-74 321 54.9 261 56.4 60 49.0 1977-78 329 51.3 264 53.1 65 45.2 1983 323 44.5 252 45.7 71 40.8 1987-88 307 38.9 232 39.1 75 38.2 1993-94 320 36.0 244 37.3 76 32.4 1999-2000 260 26.1 193 27.1 67 23.6 2004-05 239 21.8 170 21.8 68 21.7Problems caused due to povertyHuman poverty measures suggest even worse outcomes than for income poverty in India. India has never been a good performer in human development terms, despite the much better indicators in some states, particularly Kerala. Overall, both health and education indicators have lagged well below those in other countries at exchangeable levels of development and with similar per capita income. But food poverty has been of particular concern. Recent studies have shown alarming levels of hunger, in particular in trustworthy states of India. Studies by IFPRI and ISHI quoted in Banerjee (2008) suggest that most states in Indi a rank somewhere among the suffering Sub-Saharan countriesPunjab, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Assam have a heartbreaking level of hunger Madhya Pradesh fares worst in the extremely alarming cohort of hunger. All the other states record an alarming level of hunger, which is also the general ranking for the self-colored country.More appallingly, the situation appears to have change state in the recent period of rapid economic growth. National Sample Surveys shows declining per capita calorie consumption, not only among the entire population, but also among the bottom quartiles, for which consumption was already very inadequate by outside(a) standards. Other indicators of both nutrition and health are also extreme. The latest National Family Health Survey for 200506 shows that the proportion of skinny children below the age of five years was 45.6 per cent in agricultural India and 32.7 per cent in urban India, indicating hardly any change from the previous survey undertaken eigh ter from Decatur years previously. More than one-third of the rural population was also under arrangement of weights. Anaemia often a good indicator of nutritional deprivation was also widespread 79.2 per cent of children aged 1223 months and 56.2 per cent of ever-married women between 15 and 59 years were found to be anaemic.ConclusionPoverty Alleviation ProgrammesThe poverty alleviation course of study have been broadly classified into self-employment programs, take employment plans, food safety programme and social security programmes. The focus is on the of import government synopsiss only. It is not contingent to map the special programmes of all the states. It moldiness be noted here that some of the progressive states have added additional components or given further subsidy to fire the benefits of the central schemes. For example, in the highly support public distribution system of Andhra Pradesh, the BPL card holders were provided rice at Rs. 2 per kg. Self-employ ment programmes This programme was started in 1970s in rural areas of the country in the name of corporate Rural Development Programme (IRDP) to augment the source of income of small farmers and landless labourers.The beneficiaries were given subsidized credit, training, and infrastructure, so that they could find impudently sources ofearning. In this scheme, agricultural labourers and small farmers authentic new skills to involve in vocations other than cultivating land. They included fishery, animal husbandry, and forestry. In the 1980s, this scheme was extended to schedule castes and tribes, women and rural artisans. net employment programmes The main purpose of the profits employment programmes is to provide a livelihood during the lean agricultural season as well as during drought and floods. down the stairs these programmes, hamletrs worked to improve the village infrastructure such as deepening the village ponds, constructing village schools and improving the rural r oads. Thus the programmes not only provided employment to the villagers but also improved village infrastructure and created village public assets.A positive fall out of this programme is that it created higher ingest for village labour, thereby pushing up the wage of the labourer in the villages. food security programmes Meeting the very basic need of access to food is a major challenge to the government in the post-economic reform era. Those who are below poverty line are faced with the problem of meeting this very basic need. famishment and hunger have been reported in different parts of the country, even in economically advanced states like Maharashtra. There is malnutrition in all age groups, especially among children. Problem of low birth weight due to under nutrition of make during pregnancy and underweight of children are rearing in the country.The purchasing power of certain section of the society is so low that they cannot access food at the marketplace price. They n eed the safety net of food subsidy. In this context, public distribution system or PDS assumes importance. tender security programmes Social security programmes are meant for those who are at the bottom of the BPL facing destitution and desertion. The central government has launched the National Social service Programme or NSAP in solemn 1995. Under NSAP, there are threesome schemes.The first one is the National archaic Age Pension Scheme or NOAPS. A pension amount of Rs. 75 per month is given to those who are above the age of 65 years and are destitute without any regular source of income or support from any family members or relatives. Though it is a very usable scheme for the elderly destitute, the coverage of the programme was not satisfactory. In the year 1999-2000, 8.71 million eligible elderly were identified, but the scheme could reach out to only 5 million beneficiaries. It was found that the benefits really reached thepoor and the leakage rate was found to be low.
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