Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Effect Of Divorce On Children - 847 Words
become more unmanageable. According to Sirvanli-Ozen, recent studies confirm that the impacts of divorce on children are not restricted to the childhood period but are manifest during adolescence and adulthood as well. Many studies on the subject show that children who have experienced parent divorce have a lower degree of psychological accord and lower socioeconomic status in their adulthood (Amato Keith, 1991b; Biblarz Raftrey, 1993; Ross Mirowsky, 1999; Amato, 1996) and have more problems, conflicts and fluctuations as well as less security in their marriage (Ross Mirowsky, 1999; Webster, Orbuch, House, 1995). According to Fagan and Churchill, it is revealed that children of divorced mothers have poorer and less simulating home environments. Furthermore, divorced mothers, despite their best intentions, are less able than married mothers to give emotional support to their children. Divorce also causes a slight decline in children’s trust of their mothers when parental divorce occurs between birth and age four; however, after controlling for the quality of the parent-child relationship, this effect all but disappears. Compared with continuously-married mothers, divorced mothers tend to be less harshly and more inconsistently, especially during the first year following the divorce. Fagan and Churchill goes on to state that divorced mothers have particular problems with their sons, though their relationship will likely improve within two years, even if asShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Divorce On Children And Divorce1460 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s world, most people accept divo rce or separation as a way of life. Parents are unaware or do not understand the damage it can have on their children. However, in some instances, it is better to get out of an abusive relationship because that can be as toxic as divorce. On average, 50% of children who are born with married parents, will experience divorce before the age of 18 (Children and Divorce Baucom, 2010-2017). Along with divorce statistics, 40% of children in America are raised withoutRead MoreDivorce Effect On Children : Divorce1825 Words  | 8 PagesApril, 2016 Divorce Effect on Children Divorce seems to become more and more common nowadays. Divorce can be a simple or complicated process depending if children are involved. This process can have negative and positive effects in a child s life. A divorce is the legal process of a marriage coming apart. A divorce with children involve cost more and takes about eleven months for the marriage to end. The majority of the divorces happening in the United States involve children. Divorce has differentRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Children And Children1255 Words  | 6 Pages The effects of divorce on children Throughout time, people from all over the world have chosen to live together, or â€Å"get married†. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but there are some couples who are unable to maintain their relationship, because they choose divorce as a solution to cope with the problems between husband and wife. Although divorce can be solution to cope with problem between the husband and wife, it still has dangerous effects especially on their children. Children with divorced parentsRead MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1068 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Divorce on Children While divorce may reduce strain on a failing marriage, it may cause damaging effects on the children. Often times parents are too concerned on the marriage to notice the effects on children. From the way parents react in front of the children to new marriages all can directly affect the daily lives, and behavior of children. Though, there are ways to mitigate some of the issues that can come with divorce, possibly avoiding some of the effects all together. UnfortunatelyRead MoreDivorce : The Effect On Children1084 Words  | 5 PagesNicole Halterman Professor Tausch CTI 102 D Written Communication 4 October 2014 Divorce: the Effect on Children In today’s society, divorce has become a normal occurrence. Married couples today are getting divorces due to many different reasons; conflicts in the marriage, a loss of romantic feelings, perhaps a spouse is having an affair, or other types of problems. Most divorces have children that are really young and due to their age, they do not have any idea how to deal with this type of situationRead MoreDivorce And Its Effects On Children1296 Words  | 6 Pages50% of all the children born to married parents today, will experience the divorce of their parents’ before they are eighteen years old. Divorce in and of itself doesn’t necessarily harm a child, but the conflict between parents does. A child’s behavior correlates directly with the effects of their parents’ separation. Deep emotional wounds are created before, during, and after divorce and separation. It is rare that you find a child that actually wants their parents to separate, unless the ma rriageRead MoreDivorce And Its Effects On Children1343 Words  | 6 Pagesknow that the divorce rate in the United States hovers around fifty percent, including forty percent under the age of 21. In that fifty percent one of every six adults is likely to go through a divorce twice. Not only does divorce affect the adults involved, but forty percent of children in the United States will experience parental divorce (Portnoy, 2008). Children with divorced parents struggle with negative consequences emotionally, mentally, and academically compared to those children from intactRead MoreDivorce And Its Effect On Children998 Words  | 4 PagesDivorce has become very popular in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, on average 50% of marriages result in a failed marriage. This percentage has been at it’s all time high. Not many couples have sustained a successful marriage in present days. Divorces have been around for a long time, and unfortunately kids have a lways been affected the most according to their age. As a result of divorce, there are many children that have to go through this situation at a very young ageRead MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1207 Words  | 5 Pagesmarriages that end in divorce has been steadily increasing. When a marriage ends children are impacted and it’s not only emotional and devastating the couples but this also has a huge effect on the children of all ages involved. Many parents go through a divorce disaster with little knowledge of the effects that the children may go through. Some of the most common impacts that divorce has on children include the fact that children tend to start to blame themselves for the divorce, adjusting in areasRead MoreChildren Of Divorce And Its Effect On Children913 Words  | 4 PagesChildren of Divorce Children of divorce are numerous, the effects of their biological parents separation and subsequent divorce has lasting effects on their behavior, academics, and their emotions. No one seems to care about the prevalence of divorce in society today; it is no longer considered taboo. Every year more than half of all marriages between a male and female end in divorce (Weaver Schofield, 2015), and data from the 1990 census states that over one million
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on The Segregation of School in America - 1209 Words
The Segregation of School in America In history there are two major turning points in the fight for equal rights. The first was â€Å"Homer Plessey vs. The rail road company†of 1986. Homer Plessey was asked to sit in a black only carriage and refused; he was kicked off the train. He decided to take his case to the supreme court and they ruled in favour of segregation, saying â€Å"separate but equal†. Segregation had been occurring for many years already in the form of â€Å"The Jim Crow Laws†but now that it had been ruled legal it would happen much more openly. The next turning point in the fight against segregation happened in 1954. The case was â€Å"Brown vs. The Topeka Board Of Education†, the argument was†¦show more content†¦Black meaning the absence of light and wisdom.†Even the president at the time said â€Å"I don’t believe that you can change the hearts of men with laws.†The main problem was that most of the inhabitants of southern states were u nwilling to let a black man sit beside them inside a restaurant. George Wallace the governor of Alabama expressed his views by saying â€Å"segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation for ever†. Throughout the south schools started integrating in accordance with the Supreme Court ruling. Most schools that tried this were met by angry mobs and the Ku Klux Klan. Nevertheless they integrated in little rock Arkansas fifteen year old Elizabeth Eckford was attempting to attend a former white only school. She was stopped by a white mob and state police. The president was not willing to allow individual states to undermine him so he sent in the Federal Guard to escort her into the school and classes making sure that she didn’t get hurt. This was also happening to most of the schools in the south. At the time the NAACP and other civil rights campaigners adopted a method used by Mahatma Gandhi in India. It was called â€Å"Non Violent Protest†. The idea was toShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation : Segregation And Segregation Essay1142 Words  | 5 PagesRacial Segregation â€Å"Segregation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. Separation is done voluntarily by two equals.†This is an important and powerful quote said by the late Malcolm X. From 1849-1950 segregation took place for a little over a century. Just 4 years after that, in Brown v. Board of Education the supreme court outlawed segregation in public schools. This was the starting point in putting an end to segregation nationwide. However, is segregation really abolished? OrRead MoreBlack Boys And Girls Holding Hands With Little Brown Vs. Board Of Education1663 Words  | 7 PagesAfter today, the education system in America will never be the same. Today marks May 17, 1954 and just moments ago the Supreme Court announced a mind-boggling court decision that has altered history forever. Little nine-year-old Linda Brown just won her case in the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas ruling. The Supreme Court just confirmed that segregation in schools is now unco nstitutional under the law. Dr. King’s dream of â€Å"little black boys and girls holding hands with little whiteRead More Segregation: Seperate but Equal967 Words  | 4 Pagesfor change in America in the mid 20th century. America was a country in turmoil, after many futile efforts to make social change had failed but Linda Brown’s groundbreaking case pushed America in the right direction. At the heart of the problem was segregation. Segregation is the act of separating a certain person or faction from the main group. In America’s case segregation was practiced on minorities such as African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. The full force of segregation was brought downRead MoreThe Civil Right Movement Of The United States1712 Words  | 7 Pagesupon the subject of segregation, a separation between whites and blacks during mid-20th century America, and children across the country learn the harsh reality of our nation’s history. Modern culture produces media to recreate these events in movies such as The Help, and Driving Miss Daisy. Although much of the media related segregation with the 1950’s and 1960’s, these decades were only a climax of the protests and civil movements during the time period. Not only segregation, racial inequality hasRead MoreAfrican Americans During The 20th Century1261 Words  | 6 Pageshundred years, countles s battles have been fought in order to eliminate race as a social divider. Perhaps the most influential time frame for African-Americans in the United States would be from 1940-1970. During this time in America, Blacks everywhere were fighting against segregation and discrimination of their race. Consequently, the timeline of events that occurred during this time uncovers the numerous battles that African-American people fought in order to gain their freedom, and their rights asRead MoreThe Desegregation of Schools as a Major Problem in the USA in the 1950s806 Words  | 4 PagesThe Desegregation of Schools as a Major Problem in the USA in the 1950s Segregation was always one of the layers of the economically rising America. It was the despicable separation of black and white people. This way of life really contradicted the all men are created equal with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, commitment which is contained in the US declaration of Independence. However in the 1950s, segregation stepped over its boundaries withRead More A Look at Desegregation as a Part of a Larger Phenomenon in American History832 Words  | 3 Pages The term melting pot for America came about during the early 1900s in reference to Americas acceptance of all immigrants and races during the time period. America has, since the coining of the term, proven that it was an artificial label with little resemblance to the truth. Throughout history a great deal of white Americans practiced seclusion, segregation, and alienation of rights for non Anglo-Saxon peoples. Perhaps none have suffered more than the African Americans at the hand of Anglo-SaxonRead MoreSegregation vs. Integration1387 Words  | 6 PagesSegregation vs. Integration One of the most significant issues which the United States has dealt with for decades is the issue of racial segregation. In a post-Civil Rights era, there is a common tendency to assume that racism is no longer a pressing social concern in America due to the gradual erosion of whiteness. During the late 1800s and much of the 1900s, segregation had been a controversial and divisive issue throughout the country. This issue stemmed from the separation of African AmericansRead MoreStill Separate, Still Unequal1648 Words  | 7 PagesStill Separate, Still Unequal Segregation is a topic that has been discussed for decades. Segregation in schools wasnt really dealt with. The government basically disguised it and kept it away from the public. Brown V. Board of Education, Plessy V. Ferguson, and Jim Crow Laws was the cover, but it didnt solve anything. Segregation isnt just about race, its also financially. When money is involved in the situation theres a major advantage. Johnathan Kozol talks about how were still separateRead MoreThe Jim Crow Laws And School Segregation810 Words  | 4 PagesThere were many forms of discrimination in America. Discrimination was everywhere in the 20th century, and the population most affected by this were African Americans. Two of the most critical injustices committed in America during the 20th century were the development of the Jim Crow laws and school segregation. However, these injustices have been rectified as a result of the Civil Rights Movement and the decision of the supreme court of Brown v. Board of Education which brought important changes
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Clocks Essay Research Paper Not until somewhat free essay sample
Redstem storksbills Essay, Research Paper Not until slightly late ( that is, in footings of human history ) did people happen a demand for cognizing the clip of twenty-four hours. As best we know, 5000 to 6000 old ages ago great civilisations in the Middle East and North Africa initiated clock devising as opposed to calendar doing. With their attendant bureaucratisms and formal faiths, these civilizations found a demand to form their clip more expeditiously. After the Sumerian civilization was lost without go throughing on its cognition, the Egyptians were the following to officially split their twenty-four hours into parts something like our hours. Obelisks ( slender, tapering, quadrilateral memorials ) were built every bit early as 3500 BC Their moving shadows formed a sort of sundial, enabling citizens to partition the twenty-four hours into two parts by bespeaking midday. They besides showed the twelvemonth # 8217 ; s longest and shortest yearss when the shadow at midday was the shortest or longest of the twelvemonth. Later, markers added around the base of the memorial would bespeak farther clip subdivisions. Another Egyptian shadow clock or sundial, perchance the first portable timekeeper, came into usage around 1500 BC to mensurate the transition of # 8220 ; hours. # 8221 ; This device divided a sunstruck twenty-four hours into 10 parts plus two # 8220 ; twilight hours # 8221 ; in the forenoon and eventide. When the long root with 5 variably spaced Markss was oriented east and west in the forenoon, an elevated crossbar on the east terminal cast a traveling shadow over the Markss. At midday, the device was turned in the opposite way to mensurate the afternoon # 8220 ; hours. # 8221 ; The merkhet, the oldest known astronomical tool, was an Egyptian development of around 600 BC A brace of merkhets were used to set up a north-south line by run alonging them up with the Pole Star. They could so be used to tag off nighttime hours by finding when certain other stars crossed the acme. In the pursuit for more year-around truth, sundials evolved from level horizontal or perpendicular home bases to more luxuriant signifiers. One version was the hemispherical dial, a bowl-shaped depression cut into a block of rock, transporting a cardinal perpendicular gnomon ( arrow ) and scribed with sets of hr lines for different seasons. The semicircle, said to hold been invented about 300 BC, removed the useless half of the hemisphere to give an visual aspect of a half-bowl cut into the border of a squared block. By 30 B.C. , Vitruvius could depict 13 different sundial manners in usage in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy. Having described a assortment of ways devised over the past few millenary to tag the transition of clip, it is informative to specify in wide footings what constitutes a clock. All redstem storksbills must hold two basic constituents: A regular, changeless or insistent procedure or action to tag off equal increases of clip. Early illustrations of such procedures included motion of the Sun across the sky tapers marked in increases, oil lamps with pronounced reservoirs, sand spectacless ( # 8221 ; hourglasses # 8221 ; ) , and in the Orient, little rock or metal labyrinths filled with incense that would fire at a certain gait. A agency of maintaining path of the increases of clip and exposing the consequence. Our agencies of maintaining path of clip transition include the place of clock custodies and a digital clip show. The history of timekeeping is the narrative of the hunt everlastingly more consistent actions or procedures to modulate the rate of a clock. Water redstem storksbills were among the earliest timers that didn # 8217 ; t depend on the observation of heavenly organic structures. One of the oldest was found in the grave of Amenhotep I, buried around 1500 BC Later named water clocks ( # 8221 ; H2O stealer # 8221 ; ) by the Greeks, who began utilizing them about 325 BC, these were rock vass with inclining sides that allowed H2O to drip at an early changeless rate from a little hole near the underside. Other water clocks were cylindrical or bowl-shaped containers designed to slowly fill with H2O coming in at a changeless rate. Markers on the interior surfaces measured the transition of # 8220 ; hours # 8221 ; as the H2O degree reached them. These redstem storksbills were used to find hours at dark, but may hold been used in daytime every bit good. Another version consisted of a metal bowl with a hole in the underside ; when placed in a container of H2O the bowl would make full and drop in a certain clip. These were still in usage in North Africa this century. More luxuriant and impressive mechanised H2O redstem storksbills were developed between 100 BC and 500 AD by Greek and Roman watchmakers and uranologists. The added complexness was aimed at doing the flow more changeless by modulating the force per unit area, and at supplying fancier shows of the transition of clip. Some H2O redstem storksbills rang bells and tam-tams ; others opened doors and Windowss to demo small figures of people, or moved arrows, dials, and astrological theoretical accounts of the existence. A Grecian uranologist, Andronikos, supervised the building of the Tower of the Winds in Athens in the first century BC. This octangular construction showed bookmans and market place shoppers both sundials and mechanical hr indexs. It featured a 24-hour mechanised water clock and indexs for the eight air currents from which the tower got its name and it displayed the seasons of the twelvemonth and astrological day of the months and periods. The Romans besides developed mechanised water clock, though their complexness accomplished small betterment over simpler methods for finding the transition of clip. In the Far East, mechanized astronomical/astrological clock doing developed from 200 to 1300 AD. Third-century Chinese water clocks drove assorted mechanisms that illustrated astronomical phenomena. One of the most luxuriant clock towers was built by Su Sung and his associates in 1088 AD Su Sung # 8217 ; s mechanism incorporated a water-driven escapement invented about 725 AD The Su Sung clock tower, over 30 pess tall, possessed a bronzy power-driven heavy weapon domain for observations, an automatically revolving heavenly Earth, and five front panels with doors that permitted the screening of altering mannikins which rang bells or tam-tams, and held tablets bespeaking the hr or other particular times of the twenty-four hours. Since the rate of flow of H2O is really hard to command accurately, a clock based on that flow can neer accomplish excellent truth. Peoples were of course led to other attacks
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Effect of Organized Religion on the Town of Macondo free essay sample
Hundred Years of Solitude closely mimics passages and parables found throughout The Bible, beginning with the city of Macondo itself. An allusion to the Garden of Eden, Macondo is a lush and vibrant world wherein citizens live very long and subject their morals to the natural law. This and other occurrences resonate parallel to stories and characters found in the Old Testament. Religion itself is regarded with skepticism, illustrated through the arrival of the Priest Father Nicanor Reyna in One Hundred Years of Solitude. These references and characters both serve to validate the novel’s epic relevance and exemplify Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s view on the impact of organized religion on indigenous society. The novel begins with a very distinct introduction, one of â€Å"biblical†proportions. The beginning of the book of Genesis and One Hundred Years of Solitude are similar in several ways. â€Å"The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them, it was necessary to point (1). We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Organized Religion on the Town of Macondo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the Bible, Adam’s job is to name the animals, exercising his power over them referencing them into his (and mankind’s) vision of the world. In establishing Macondo, Jose Arcadio Buendia does the same thing. In this analogy, he represents the archetypal man, Adam. Also in the first chapter, there is a parable for the human quest for knowledge, as is mentioned in the book of Genesis. At the end of Chapter two, Jose Arcadio Buendia mimics Adam again. Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for eating from the Tree of Knowledge, and this novel fulfills the same cautionary occurrence. Jose Arcadio Buendia’s relentless pursuit of knowledge, arguably, drives him to foolishness and insanity. In his madness, he is tied to a tree. This can easily be seen as a reference to the tree whose fruit tempted Adam and Eve to their original fall. It is not just the technological forces of modernization that cause Macondo’s Eden-like town to transform, but the arrival of organized religion in the form of priests and magistrates. In chapter five, Father Nicanor Reyna arrives and begins to build an elaborate church. â€Å"Thinking that no land needed the seed of God so much, he decided to say on for another week to Christianize both circumcised and gentile, legalize concubinage, and give the sacraments to the dying. But no one paid attention to him. They would answer him that they had been many years without a priest, arranging the business of their souls directly with God, and that they had lost the evil of original sin. (81)†Before the priest’s arrival, shame is unknown in Macondoâ€â€like Adam and Eve before the fall, the citizens are â€Å"subject to the natural law†sexually and worship God without a church. Father Nicanor’s arrival disturbs the untouched innocence that the town maintains. Further, Father Nicanor can decipher that Jose Arcadio Buendia does not speak jargon, as the town assumed, but perfect Latin. â€Å"Father Nicanor took advantage of the circumstance of being the only person who had been able to communicate with him to try and inject the faith into his twisted mind. 83)†It is certainly implied that Macondo was a better place, with more freedom, and spiritual integrity before organized religion came to the city. However I do not feel that One Hundred Years of Solitude is an anti-religious novel. Gabriel Garcia Marquez places great stock in miracles and in faith. However religion, like the general moral and ethical nature of the book, rests lightly on its adherents. Religion is a matter between man and God, f ree of intermediaries. One Hundred Years of Solitude suggests that life is best when lived with few inhibitions. Furthermore, through echoing the book of Genesis (and also, several allusions to the book of Revelations) in One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez demonstrates his attempt to re-write history in its entirety. He consciously formats the novel this way to exemplify the history of the world and the human race, in a novel that has everything in it. Historically the imposition of organized religion onto foreign societies has such prevalence in Latin America. Marquez alludes to this influence satirically and magically, in order to capture the madness in a less ruthless way than it occurred.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Aurora of a Dream essays
Aurora of a Dream essays Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, has an aurora of a dream. It is an enduring play that alludes to the unconscious motivations of life. It is a genuine tragedy. This is a story of rags to riches in reverse. It is a story of failure, uphill struggles, and a dream from reality. The American Dream, which is a myth of success, models the events of the plot, the character and the situations. Death of a Salesman illustrates what most people are up against. The reader sees the situations of civilization that he lives in himself, not the situations that Willy Loman, the salesman, encounters. Willy has conversations that are inside his head, which Miller once considered to be the title of the play. The past and present weave into one. The play is set during the 1950s. During this time, Senator Joe McCarthy was responsible for a movement known as McCarthyism. Readers during this era sometimes view Millers play as an attack on capitalism. Willy unknowingly symbolizes a revolt against society. He instills this on his sons with the value he places on manual work, sports, fitness and capability to handle tools and build things. Willy was an outdoorsman and did not realize it. In Act Two,Willy talks about their house and the work he had done: All the cement, lumber, the reconstruction I put in this house! There aint a crack to be found in it any more. This explains Biffs success as a ranch hand. In the Requiem, Linda remarks, He was so wonderful with his hands. It was bred into their family to do this type of work, not to be a white-collar worker. Biff replys to his mother in the Requiem, He never knew who he was. Willy declares in Act One, A man who cant handle tools is not a man. Willy could not believe that Charlies son; Bernard who became a lawyer, would ever be successful because he lacked all t...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Life of Masaccio (Art History) essays
The Life of Masaccio (Art History) essays ...It was Masaccio, the youngest of all painters who were young before during and after him who, in his few youthful years, worked the miracle of awakening in painting, breathing life into it at last real and earthy, an urgency it had never had before. Libero de Liberi. Masaccio, originally named Tommaso Giovanni di Mone, was born in San Giovanni Valdarno, near Florence on December 21,1401 and died in Rome in 1428. He was the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations in the use of scientific perspective introduced the modern style in painting. Masaccio joined the Florentine painters guild in 1422.His remarkably individual style was unique and owed little to other painters, although Giotto influenced him along with the stronger influences of the architect Brunelleschi, and the sculptor Donatello, who were both his contemporaries in Florence. From Brunelleschi Masaccio acquired the knowledge of mathematical proportion that was necessary to his revival of the principals of scientific perspective which is evident in one of his most acclaimed frescoes The Trinity which is housed in the Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Masaccio painted The Trinity or The Holy Trinity as it is also known, around 1427 and it is the perfect example of how he mastered the art of mathematical proportion in relation to scientific perspective because of how the chamber stands behind the scene of Jesus being crucified. The chamber turns the background into a continuation of the real world because it looks so realistic. Masaccios use of scientific perspective is projected so accurately in terms of perspective principles[Hartt, F.Pg 206], that when it was first done, Brunelleschi was held responsible for the actual painting which shows us what a powerful influence he had on Masaccio. Masaccios use of foreshortening on the rosettes on the ceiling, which were made to ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Risk Management Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Risk Management - Movie Review Example The incident not only caused problems for the rivers and inlets near the Tisza, but also to larger bodies of water connected to it, such as the Danube River and the Black Sea. The chemical spill was pinned onto an Australian-owned mining company using cyanide salts for mining gold and silver, which is an outlawed method in Europe. But the company denied all allegations, and even attributed the chemical spill and the river’s death on environmental factors (Harper, 2005). The spill had a lasting effect on the water supply, but despite having no record of human health impacts were recorded, it greatly affected the wildlife that lived on the river and the residents that depended on it for food and livelihood (Marmorat, 2008). While the early March floods that occurred after the chemical spill were able to lessen the impact due to the dispersion of the chemical and heavy-metal contaminants, it was estimated that it would take at least a decade to see any improvements in the riverâ €™s state. The following are the assumptions on the possible causes and effects of the chemical spill to wildlife and the residents living near the Tisza River and its basins: Precipitations might have possibly caused the toxic sludge containing both cyanide and other heavy metals to overspill the dams holding them in and caused the excesses to flow into the nearest bodies of water. The cyanide content of the toxic sludge that flowed into the bodies of water and ended up into the Tisza River might have been too high, that the effects of the poison lasted months and even years after the chemical spill. The toxicity levels of the sludge affected the livelihoods of the fishermen that depended on the River Tisza by rendering all kinds of fish either dead or too highly- contaminated to be consumed, thus any kind of commercial fishing would be counter-productive. Due to the numerous waterways and other areas where the Tisza River drains its water, not only did the chemical spill affec t other larger rivers, but also the smaller ones where these large rivers either enter or exit into, causing damage to greater areas. Because the interconnecting rivers and channels affected by the chemical spill run into countries outside Romania, the environmental disaster could cause political unrest between the countries whose rivers were affected by the chemical spill, and Romania. 2. Review and attach an MSDS for Cyanide The following MSDS has been condensed from the Science Lab (2005) data sheet for their sodium cyanide product, which is the form of the cyanide salt normally used for mining: Section 1. Chemical Product Chemical Name: Sodium cyanide Chemical Formula: NaCN Section 2. Composition and Information on Ingredients Composition (by Weight): Sodium cyanide = 100% Toxicological data: Sodium cyanide Oral (LD50): acute: 6.44mg/kg (Rat) Dermal (LD50): acute: 10.4mg/kg (Rabbit) Section 3: Hazards Identification Potential Acute Health Effects: Very hazardous when ingested or inhaled, or when in contact with the skin or eyes. Damaging effects to exposed tissues are proportional to length of contact. Potential Chronic Health Effects: Repeated or prolonged exposure can cause damage to the nervous system, tears and lesions in the skin and lungs, leading to asphyxiation. Section 4. First Aid Measures After doing the following first aid measures, seek medical help immediately. In case of eye contact, flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses first, if present. In case of skin contact,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Logistic and Supply Chain Management Research Paper
Logistic and Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example There has been a shift of environmental responsibility from the consumer to the manufacturer. Also, the retailers have become more dominant as compared to manufacturers in the supply chain relationship and they are generally the drivers of a sustainable and green supply chain (Business Guide, 2003). A block diagram of a green supply chain is shown in Figure 1.1(Fortes, 2009). The government owns the primary responsibility to influence supply chain sustainability. The government can achieve progress on this by effective use of bans, subsidies, and incentives. The government can come up with measures such as environmental labels, licenses and product design guidelines (Business Guide, pp. 42). There are already a number of regulations in place for sustainability. These include U.S. Farm security and rural investment act (2002), European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), China ROHS, E.U. Cosmetics directive, E.U. Packaging Directive, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and REACH. In addition, there are International Standards such as WRAP, FLA, ICTI CARE, ISO 14000 and ISO 26000 for addressing environmental causes (Business for Social Responsibility, 2007). The relationship between brand owners and retailers is changing. Big retailers such as Walmart have a huge clout over the manufacturers and control the types of products they want to keep on their shelves. In addition, the retailers and brand owners are also under tremendous pressure from NGOs and other organizations working for environmental causes. This pressure comes from the opportunity cost due to a risk of reputation loss among the stakeholders. Some of the well known non-profit organizations working in collaboration with companies for environmental sustainability are Carbon Trust, Ceres, Clinton Climate Initiative, Conservation International and Earth share (Tilde, 2010). Â
Monday, November 18, 2019
Single Soldiers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Single Soldiers - Essay Example The truth is that single soldiers make up more than a third of the United States’ army (BOSS site). These soldiers are fighting machines, dedicated to god and country. Nevertheless it helps them to have support at home and not to be all alone. The Army has recognized this, creating Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS). According to its website: BOSS provides an avenue for single Soldiers to surface issues and to take part in activities but does not set policy and other guidance on issues. BOSS is intended to enhance command authority, prerogative, and responsibility in maintaining standards of conduct, good order, and discipline, not to dilute. This is an excellent first step in recognizing the problems faced by single soldiers. Drawing such people together into a cohesive unit in order to address their quality of life issues and their morale is a key development in the history of the evolution of the army. These individuals, often young, need sustenance. The Army can provide this too. There are other unique challenges faced by the single soldiers. The benefit structure the army provides is geared towards soldiers with families. This is true of other armies around the world. An excellent example was recently reported in Canada. Canada may have a much smaller standing army than the United States, but there too the problem of single soldiers has surfaced in a public and contentious manner. The families of four unmarried soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan stepped forward recently to file human-rights complaints in that country. They say that the government discriminated in favour of married troops by paying a $250,000 death benefit. According to the Canadian Press: A federal human-rights tribunal rejected the complaint of Lincoln and Laurie Dinning because Veterans Affairs abruptly decided to recognize their sons girlfriend as his common-law spouse,
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Corporate Entrepreneurship
The Corporate Entrepreneurship In todays rapidly changing and hyper competitive business environment where opportunities and threats are present, innovation and continued growth remains as a main concern for companies. Scholars have voiced importance of corporate entrepreneurship behavior to cope with the environmental challenges and managing innovation and sustainable growth. Corporate entrepreneurship is an interesting arena among scholars and no universal definition has been agreed. Corporate entrepreneurship is generally defined as the process by which teams within an established company conceive, foster launch and manage new businesses that is distinct from the parent company but make use of parent companys resources, market position, capabilities and other resources (Ferreira, 2002). Implementation of corporate entrepreneur behavior within firm is a challenging process, which involves individuals roles and most importantly firm level antecedents that promotes corporate entrepreneurial activities (Marina G. B iniari, 2010). This paper explains factors (individual characteristics and firm level antecedents) affecting corporate entrepreneurship and how beneficial this strategy is to firms. Individual Characteristics and Corporate Entrepreneurship To cultivate and build successful corporate entrepreneurship in organizations, individuals working at the organization should inherit or possess certain characteristics and traits. These skills and competencies enable them to achieve the outcomes of a successful entrepreneurship and to involve effectively in corporate entrepreneurship activities (Christensen, 2004). As similar to definition of corporate entrepreneurship, researchers have explained various characteristics of individuals in different occasions and no agreement have been reached over key characteristics. Various researches have been conducted on this area analysis of such studies are explained here. Findings of a study done by Lumpkin and Des in Dess in 1996 explained corporate entrepreneurship in terms of entrepreneurial orientation and they determined main characteristics as innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness (J.P.J de Jong, 2001). In contrast to this study Zahra (1993, 1995) suggested three main characteristics, which are venturing, innovation and self-renewal (Scheepers, 2008). Brockhaus and Horwitz (1982) also suggested some other set of characteristics supporting corporate entrepreneurship, which are locus of control, risk taking propensity, and achievement motivation (Burgers, 2011). In addition to these characteristics, other important characteristics determined by other researchers include; energy level, conformity, need for autonomy, dominance, personal control and desire to build something of ones own (Sanchez, 2011). Since there is no universal set of characteristics, certain set of characteristics are explained in det ail in this section and these characteristics are found as common characteristics highlighted by most of the researchers. Innovativeness Arguably innovation is the most crucial element of the corporate entrepreneurship and all most all researchers have talked about the importance of innovation towards corporate entrepreneurship. Researchers have stressed on importance innovativeness characteristic of individuals in product and service innovation within organizations and Antoncid and Hisrich (2001) suggested that if employees of firma are innovative, it would drive firm towards corporate entrepreneurship. According to James C. Hayton (2006), innovativeness in corporate entrepreneurship is defined as a predisposition to engage in creativity and experimentation through the introduction of new products. Pinchot (1985) suggested that, at that time the important factor missing in corporate innovation was intrapreneurs or corporate entrepreneurs. He defined intrapreneurs as those who take hands-on responsibility for creating innovation of any kind within an organization; they may be the creator or inventors but are always the dreamers who figure out how to turn an idea into a profitable reality (Zhang, 2010). One of the key roles of intrapreneurs is to finding creative methods or ways to improve the speed and cost-effectiveness of technology transfer from internal RD to the marketplace. To achieve this they are need to be innovative to come up with new ideas on how to sustain competitive advantage in a highly dynamic business environment. This may include individuals ability to deliver creative ideas about new product/service development and also process related innovations to improve companys efficiency and enhance productivity (Antoncic, 2009). Proactiveness According to Bateman and Crant (1993), proactive personality trait refers to individuals capability to influence ones environmental and bring about change. Moreover proactiveness of an individual would make him strong to face challenges and motivates plays a vital role in implementing effective environmental changes (Devarajan, 2005). Furthermore Bateman and Jauhari (2008) stated that people are not always passive recipients of environmental constraints on their behavior; rather, they can intentionally and directly change their current circumstances. Researchers have positively related proactive personality with individual innovation, taking charge, problem prevention, voice and issue selling credibility. Since these are crucial elements of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, it is clearly evident that there is a positive relationship between proactiveness of individuals and corporate entrepreneurial behavior. Need for achievement and internal locus of control The need for achievement is one of the important characteristics of a corporate entrepreneur which makes him distinguished from other non corporate entrepreneurs. Individuals hunger to achieve high goals and hard working in achieving firms mission effectively develops the firms ability to develop wealth creation and finally it encourages creating new businesses and ventures within existing organizations (Ferreira, 2002). In addition to need for achievement, internal locus of control is another important characteristic of corporate entrepreneurs. Individuals who have strong belief on that they have the control on over their destiny, vitally affects their performance positively. Such confidence self motivates individuals to take beneficial decisions that would achieve goals of corporate entrepreneurship and this belief motivates them to tackle any hurdles they may face in the process of corporate entrepreneurship (Lassen, 2007). Risk taking Individuals willingness to take risks and ability tolerate in the times of failure is considered as one of the fundamental characteristics to be a corporate entrepreneur. Individuals who bear the risk of profit or loss are ready to take brave actions by venturing into new businesses and investing significantly heavy resources in unknown environments (A. Zahra, 2000). All entrepreneurial activities such as venturing, innovation and strategic renewal involves certain degree of risk as any of such activity would require effort, time and most importantly financial investments. According to Lin and Colleagues (2008), risk taking style managers enriches the corporate entrepreneurship behavior within firms. Furthermore, in a corporate entrepreneurial environment, individuals work on converting intelligent ideas to innovative products even without permission or approval from top management. Other individual characteristics In addition to above discussed individual characteristics, scholars have also stressed on some other fundamental individual characteristics that qualifies them to engage with corporate entrepreneurial activities. Self renewal is one of the important characteristic, which refers to individuals interest or ability to renew or redefine the usual methods of business process and transforming to more innovative methods that enhances ability to gain competitive advantage (Rutherford, 2007). Other important characteristics include feedback seeking and effective communication skills, which are highly useful when it comes to work as groups and interact with each other (Srivastava, 2010). Such personal traits would help to convince team and top management about the individuals innovative ideas and to attain support at organizational level. Furthermore, knowledge, experience and flexibility to adjust changes in environment and managerial structure are also considered as crucial individual charac teristics. Firm-Level Antecedents and Corporate Entrepreneurship According to findings of various researches done on corporate entrepreneurship, it indicates the existence and importance of firm level antecedents that impact on corporate entrepreneurship. Exploratory study done by Kuratko (1990) suggested five distinct internal factors that support corporate entrepreneurship, which are reward and resource availability, organizational structure and boundaries, risk taking and time availability (Burgers, 2011). In addition to Kuratkos findings, study conducted by Fortune 500 CEOs observed tangible and intangible factors within organization that foster corporate entrepreneurship. Their study found that factors such as communication, scanning, integration, and differentiation and control influences firms ability to foster corporate entrepreneurship (Scheepers, 2008). Rewarding System Usage of appropriate rewards within firms is highly acknowledged by several researchers such as Scanlan (1981), Souder (1981), Kanter (1985), Sathe (1985), Fry (1987), Block and Ornati (1987), Sykes (1992), Barringer and Milkvoich (1998). They suggested that when implementing an effective reward system, organization should consider certain factors, which includes; consider goals, feedback from employees, stress individual responsibility and result based incentives (Monsen, 2007). To support the idea suggested by the above researchers, Fry (1993) stated even though monetary rewards may not be especially important to entrepreneurial individual, some mechanism of rewarding innovation must be evident if innovation is to continue. By implementing an effective reward system that value achievements of employees would promote motivation among employees to take risks associated with activities of corporate entrepreneurship. According to expectancy theory individuals maximum effort requires that the individual should believe that by accomplishing goals it would lead to a reward (Devarajan, 2005). Therefore organizations should provide rewards in an appropriate way to show employees that creative works and high level performances are recognized and appreciated by management. Rewards could be presented as options from where deserving employees could choose desired rewards. Management Support Management support means the willingness of top management to facilitate required resources and support to promote corporate entrepreneurial activities within organization. Many researchers have stressed on the importance of management support and they have suggested that management involvement, commitment, championing innovative ideas, providing necessary resources, rewarding venture activities and institutionalizing entrepreneurial activities within firm are important for corporate entrepreneurship (Christensen, 2004). Furthermore Steven Jarillo (1990) stated that by providing necessary training to individuals and trusting those within the firm in detecting opportunities would have a positive impact on firms corporate entrepreneurial behaviour. According to Guth Ginsberg (1990), organizational values are also important in promoting corporate entrepreneurship within firms. They suggested that the corporate entrepreneurial behaviour within a firm critically depends on the values/beliefs and organizational vision (Kollman, 2008). Leadership of the firm should support innovative behaviour of individuals when they propose promising innovative ideas that could venture new business opportunities within the existing organization. This idea was supported by findings of study done by Pearce et al (1997) and they found that leaders who act entrepreneurially had a positive influence on their subordinates and such leaders encourage corporate entrepreneurship behavior within the firm. Resources Resources of the organization and their availability when required play a vital role in promoting corporate entrepreneurial behaviour within organization. According to Pinchot (1985), in order to behave corporate entrepreneurial ways, individuals should be allowed access companys resources to be utilized in various corporate entrepreneurial activities. Furthermore he stated that individuals should have enough time to work on innovative ideas to make them reality and employees should be assigned with reasonable workload so that they could work on other activities to solve important problems (A. Zahra, 2000). Moreover, employees should be provided with necessary resources to conduct experiments on new findings and this includes any required equipments/devices and satisfactory environmental settings. The resource-based view (RBV) suggests that availability of resources in a company is a crucial factor in determining competitive advantage (Kuratko, 2007). Companies should manage their re sources to build unique capabilities to be exceeding competitors capability to provide better solutions to customers. Supportive organizational structure Supportive organizational structure is an important antecedent highlighted by many authors (Souder, 1981; Sathe, 1985; Hisrich and Peters, 1986; Sykes, 1986; Sykes and Block, 1989; Burgelman and Sayles, 1986; Schuler, 1986; Bird, 1988; Guth and Ginsberg, 1990; Covin and Slevin,1991; Zahra, 1991, 1993; Brazeal, 1993; Hornsby et al., 1993) in their literatures. Authors have suggested that organizational structure should provide appropriate administrative mechanisms for idea evaluation, choosing, and implementing productive ideas. Moreover they argued that the bureaucratic nature of organizational structure would gradually build boundaries that hinder individuals ability to convert their innovative ideas to innovative products/services (Kenney, 2010). Therefore organizational structure should be implemented in a way that avoids having standard operating procedures for all major job related activities and rigid performance standards should be avoided as much as possible. Other firm level antecedents In addition to above discussed antecedents there are other important antecedents that affect corporate entrepreneurial behavior. One of them is empowered, autonomous employees, which refers to extent to which employees are give power to make decisions on working on their own works in a manner they believe to be most effective (A. Zahra, 2000). Strategic leadership and their support for corporate entrepreneurship also play a vital role in fostering this strategy within firms. This involves managers willingness to facilitate necessary resources to corporate entrepreneurial activities and to encourage subordinates to participate in such activities. Last but not least, risk taking is also considered as a key element. Risk taking involves firms willingness to spend resources in exploiting opportunities and launching projects with uncertain outcomes (Ferreira, 2002). Word Count: 2574 (Excluding References) Contributions of Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate entrepreneurship plays a vital role in enhancing companys ability to sustain competitive advantage. Zahra Kuratko (1990) stressed on the importance of corporate entrepreneurship by stating that it improves competitive positioning and transform corporations and strengthen their markets by fostering creativeness within firms. A key benefit organizations could gain via corporate entrepreneurship is to drive firm with diverse strategies with unique combinations. And also corporate entrepreneurship could improve the overall performance of the firm, growth and profitability (Fitzsimmons, 2004). Furthermore it increases the companys proactiveness and willingness to take risks by investing on new product development and integrating innovative technologies in various processes of business. A study done by Zahra and Covin in 1995 showed that there is a strong relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and financial performance. Based on the findings of their study they suggeste d that companies should focus on ways to encourage potential individuals who show corporate entrepreneurial qualities (Kollman, 2008). According to general definition of corporate entrepreneurship, it refers to activities that enhance new product and service development and especially development of new business models and business ventures. Companies, who encourage corporate entrepreneurship behaviour within their firms, enjoy improved internal efficiencies, higher employee morale which all leads to improvements in financial performance (Monsen, 2007). In corporate entrepreneurial companies, managers tend to implement new management trends to overtake old methodologies which are found to be boring and frustrating. Such changes in management bring them success and effective changes in structure and systems will show significant results over longer time period. All researches done on the arena of corporate entrepreneurship have suggested that firms should encourage corporate entrepreneurship to attain positive results in a long run. Most of the studies are focused on examining the impact of corporate entrepreneurship on financial performance of the firm and how it motivates individuals to work on sustaining financial improvements. However financial improvements are not only the benefits contributed by corporate entrepreneurship but it involves certain non-financial benefits too. Lumpkin and Dess (2005) argued that in addition to financial performances (market share growth, sales growth, financial profitability etc), outcomes of corporate entrepreneurship also includes valuable non financial benefits that assist firm to sustain financial improvements. According to Lumpkin and Dess (2005), satisfaction and commitment of organizational members in achieving companys vision are crucial non financial benefits to organization from corporate entrepreneurship. Dover (2002) defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or favorable emotional state derived from an evaluation of ones job or job experiences. In contrast to this, affective commitment is defined as degree of employees emotional attachment to his or her organization. Both the job satisfaction and commitment have a positive influence on motivation and leads to greater organizational effectiveness. Most importantly researchers, Hindle and Cutting (2002) have positively related both to corporate entrepreneurship.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Americans Need More Vacation Time :: Argumentative Essays
â€Å"I really need a vacation!†Is there a more common phrase in the workplace in America today? I’m sure all of us had uttered that phrase at least once in the last 12 months. Americans are so vacation-deprived, then why is it that almost a third of the American working adults are giving up some earned vacation this year, and when they do go on vacation they still do some work by checking in with office communications, according to a Harris Interactive vacation-related poll? The following table below indicates that the U.S. ranks 10th in term of average number of vacation days around the world per year, with the average of just 13 days per year compared to the United Kingdom’s 28, and Italy’s 42 days per year. Even the average worker in Japan – where the term karoshi, which means â€Å"death by overwork†, was coined gets five weeks of annual paid vacation. Average Number of Vacation Days Around the World Per Year Italy     42 days France     37 days Germany     35 days Brazil     34 days United Kingdom     28 days Canada     26 days Korea     25 days Japan     25 days U.S.     13 days Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO). We like to think that we’ve got the world’s highest standard of living with the per capita GDP of $37,800, 3rd highest in the world , and yet, we are the only industrialized nation that refuses to mandate vacation for workers in the private sector. And if you think we are making the most of those precious few days that we get, you couldn’t be more wrong. According to a study conducted in May 2004 by Harris Interactive, the average American planned not to use three of his or her vacation days this year, up from two days last year. The study also found that nearly 40 percent American said they had canceled or postponed vacations due to work. So what’s the matter with us?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Relevance Of Kant’s Ideas In Today’s Modern World
In his Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant formulated his theory of the Universal Law, which states that a person must act according to the maxim that he or she can will to become a universal law. Simply put, that maxim behind one’s behavior must be a principle that any other individual can apply, something that one â€Å"can rationally will that everyone adopt†(Van der Linden). Under this Kantian law, the very notion of harming one’s future self becomes a preposterous, if not criminal, idea because one cannot obviously will everybody to follow suit. The believe that in a government working its way towards the equality of its citizens. Freedom, for Kant, is obtained through a universal theory of right. Morality is at the center of Kant’s freedom and this is crucial in forming a government. John got his freedom, through murdering the tyrant. And in this case, the freedom and the rights of the rich man, tyrant as he is, was stepped upon proving the unrighteousness of the action. Kant values the sense of freedom in relation to reason. If man is fated or causally determined, then it is pointless for freedom to exist as man has already a determined course of actions. John earned the trust of the people by recognizing the general will of the community, or what is known as the people’s will. Acknowledging the general will creates the laws of the society. These laws, however, should be grounded by the good of the people. Only with the consent of the people will the laws and, ultimately, the government will turn to be legitimate. Kant defines the ideal government in such a way that morality is at the center of it. And with this notion, the actions of John were not justifiable. John’s government started out with a wrong foot, his concealment of the murder of the tyrant. Although this brought about the freedom of the people, the method of doing so was immoral in Kant’s views. This is the kind of society that is ideally set up. The theme of Kant’s moral philosophy is on how people deserve to be happy and not happiness in itself. This is prevalent in the teachings of John gave away the tyrant’s wealth to the people because they deserve to be happy. The morality of man’s actions does not depend on the outcome of the actions. However, we can control the reason behind the action. The morality then rests upon the motivation behind the action. But a motivation of a positive goal, such as making people happy or benefiting the people the same way as John did, is not the right motive, according to Kant. â€Å"No outcome, should we achieve it, can be unconditionally good. Fortune can be misused, by what we thought would induce benefit that might actually bring harm, and happiness might be undeserved. [†¦] It is the possession of a rationally guided will that adds a moral dimension to one’s acts. So it is the recognition and appreciation of duty itself that must drive our actions†(McCormick 2001). Morality of one’s actions is defined by pursuing a goal with no conditions. The reason is not the means for the ends. â€Å"All means to an end have a merely conditional worth because they are valuable only for achieving something else†(McCormick 2001). Thus, John’s actions were not morally right. He used immoral ways in achieving his goal. And this could also be used in performing other actions leading to harm of other people. Kant stresses that the moral worth of an action is not based on its effects, or on anything else publicly visible about it, but rather on why the agent performed it. Kant believes that the highest good requires both our moral perfection and our well being proportionate to our moral perfection, but we are not capable of bringing about either of those. It is in God that ultimate happiness commensurable to goodness can be experienced. Goodness and happiness can only be reached through actions towards morality, a maxim of duty that disregards the conditions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The eNotes Blog Scholarship Spotlight November2015
Scholarship Spotlight November2015 Every month, we select some of the best scholarships around and post them here on our blog. When you are ready to apply, check out our tips on How to Write a Scholarship Essay. Visit Essay Lab if youre looking for a writing expert to review and provide feedback your scholarship or college application essays! Young Writers Award Amount: 1st place $500, 2nd place $250 Eligibility: Students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades during the current academic year may enter in one of the following categories: poetry (a group of three poems), fiction (a short story or one-act play), or nonfiction (a personal or academic essay). All entries must be original work and sponsored by a high school teacher. Requirements: You may submit online or by mail (mailed entries must be accompanied by a submission form, available from your English teacher or by downloading here. They welcome entries from international students- in order to submit online, please enter N/A in place of the CEEB code for your high school. Due Date: November 1, 2015 To read more information directly, click here! Create Real Impact Contest Amount: Up to $1,000 Eligibility:  Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia between the ages of 14 and 22 years of age. Requirements: Student must submit an original work (video, music, creative writing, or artwork) showcasing their idea for a solution to the very real problem of reckless and distracted driving. Due Date: November 5, 2015 To read more information directly, click here! I AmScholarship Slam Amount: $1,000 Eligibility: Scholarship is open to students 25 years of age or younger who are current or former high school students and will attend or is attending college within the United States or its territories. Requirements: Applicant must submit a poem on â€Å"what makes you†¦ you?†Due Date: November 6, 2015 To read more information directly, click here! Adopt a Veteran Scholarship Amount: Up to $5,000 Eligibility: Scholarship is open to U.S. citizens of all national backgrounds who are currently studying in the United States or in an American military school out of the country. Applicant must be in 11th or 12th grade. Requirements: Applicant must find a military veteran they do not know, get to know them and then write an essay about the experience. Due Date: November 15, 2015 To read more information directly, click here!
Monday, November 4, 2019
How does the reward scheme system implemented by organisations help to Dissertation
How does the reward scheme system implemented by organisations help to increase the sales profit - Dissertation Example These are all ascertained within the UK and HK contexts, respectively. Design/methodology/approach. The study is a quantitative research, which takes on a descriptive-correlational research design. Using a purposive sample of UK and HK patrons of Tesco and ParknShop, the research made use of a survey questionnaire to gather primary data and address the objectives of the study. The responses were encoded onto the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for statistical analysis. Findings. The study found that satisfaction with the loyalty scheme is significantly correlated with the frequency of shopping at the retail entity for both UK and HK samples. Moreover, satisfaction with the loyalty scheme is significantly correlated with frequency of using the loyalty scheme card for both UK and HK samples. The Chi-square tests suggest that for UK and HK patrons, there is an apparent judgment on customer loyalty as contributed by loyalty schemes, and this is primarily p ositive. These suggest that both UK and HK customers have a relatively positive attitude towards the value and contribution of loyalty schemes in building customer loyalty. Loyalty schemes are significantly correlated with frequency of recommending the loyalty scheme card to friends and family for both samples. The outcomes indicate that there seems to be a relationship between beliefs and loyalty behaviours for UK and HK patrons. ... Such loyalty schemes should be further investigated in terms of their effectiveness in maximising value for their patrons and profitability. Tesco and ParknShop should make a continual effort to instill stronger engagement from its clients to enhance their customer value proposition at the least possible expense. There are other relationship marketing programmes which may serve a similar purpose such as discount coupons, personalised offers, credit cards for the retail institution, among others. Keywords: Customer loyalty in retail, retail marketing, customer loyalty, Tesco, ParknShop Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Technology’s overarching aim is to enhance organisational performance (Jackson 2005). One technological means of increasing customer retention is through effectual loyalty schemes (Raman, Wittmann, and Rauseo, 2006), which may assist the enterprise in transforming cold data into warm, personalised relationships. Over the long haul, this dovetailed use of lo yalty schemes may lead to a sharp understanding of customers – their profile, needs, and wants – towards enhancing their sense of loyalty to the products and services of the organisation (Oliver 1997; Shimp 2003). Loyalty schemes may entail or incur considerable cost from the organisation; however, it may also significantly reduce the advertising cost that is necessary for attracting new patrons. Some critics contend that it may loyalty schemes may no longer beneficial in improving organisational performance (Reichheld, Markey, and Hopton 2000),. In particular, loyalty schemes have been widely use by grocery, travel and retail sectors, including the Tesco Clubcard, Boots Advantage Card and the Nectar Card within the specific context of the UK. There are several reasons
Friday, November 1, 2019
Life for African Americans in the United States after slavery was Essay
Life for African Americans in the United States after slavery was abolished - Essay Example After the defeat of the Confederacy, the southern states faced economic and physical devastation. While millions of slaves got freedom legally, the political infrastructures of the southern states lost their legitimacy. Transformation of the South into a free labor economy and readmission of the southern states to the union imparted the need for reconstruction of the South. Freedom fight of the slaves in the post-Civil War and the Reconstruction Era transformed into a struggle for survival. Most of the slaves that had been withdrawn from the plantations were penniless. African Americans’ wages frequently fluctuated as a result of their perceived worth. Manual labor could be replaced easily in the post-Civil War era. There were only a few ex-slaves that had the kind of money to own a piece of land as a vast majority of the ex-slaves dealt with the issue of lack of source of income. As per the estimate of the 1880 Census, no more than 20 per cent of the African Americans were, i n part, the owners of the land on which they farmed (â€Å"Being an African American†). Most of such holdings were also beset with debt that led to the crippling of the ex-slaves in the long run. For some, life at the time of slavery was better than after its abolishment because as slaves, they at least had some place to sleep and eat at that time. Sharing his views on the dark side of emancipation in the post-Civil War era, Johnson stated, â€Å"Since them times, a many a nigger has had it tough to make a livin’. I know dat is so, too, cause I has been all long dere†(Johnson). Ex-slaves saw immense poverty during the Reconstruction Era. Years of prevalence of poverty caused a lack of medical care and nourishment among the ex-slaves which resulted in a high rate of mortality among the African Americans in general and among their children in particular. Ex-slaves were under the burden of due medical bills and were still not able to access the required medical at tention. Many started using herbal remedies to treat their illnesses. According to the Census of 1900, annual death rate of the African Americans was 30 in every 1,000 opposed to no more than 17 per 1,000 among the White Americans (â€Å"Being an African American†). 79 years old James Johnson, an ex-slave from Columbia noted that he â€Å"[felt] and [knew] dat de years after de war was worser than befo’†(Johnson). Although the slaves’ freedom was secured by The Emancipation Proclamation and victory of The Union, yet ex-slaves were not liberated under the Jim Crow Laws and segregation. Emancipation brought along with it new kinds of challenges, insecurities, and problems for the ex-slaves. Malnourishment and health deterioration were only some of the multitude of problems ex-slaves had to deal with in the post-Civil War era. A deep sense of isolation from their families weakened the ex-slaves emotionally and psychologically. This division was mainly cause d by the sale of slaves, owners’ death, and presentation of the slaves in the pre-Civil War era as gifts from one owner to another. The slaves’ newly found freedom was dampened by loneliness and alienation. White Americans not only saw the African Americans as a nuisance upon normality but also as a potential risk to their dominance. â€Å"Our greatest danger is that in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of our hands, and fail to keep in mind that we shall prosper in proportion as we learn to dignify and
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Book Listing Website using PHP and mySQL,HTML Literature review
Book Listing Website using PHP and mySQL,HTML - Literature review Example This is where a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) comes into picture. According to (ACM SIGCHI 1996), â€Å"Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them†. HCI in general terms can be inferred as a mix of a discipline belonging to the field of engineering dealing with the science of design. It’s a kind of study which evaluates the level of ease with which a person could use the system using the attributes of practicability, intuitiveness and accuracy. A successful interface implementation depends on how well the requirements of the system are gathered in the initial phase. There are critical opinions mentioning the lack of knowledge with developers in identifying the characteristics of humans while using a system, especially a website (Lotze 2002). Reducing design costs, improving quality and the process involved are some of the research areas that are been explored in recent times. Being a subset of User Interaction, HCI involves identifying goals from the standpoint view of both the user and business and also, developing architectural prototypes that can be refined consistently. Most of the efforts that go into coding and creating designs are actually directed towards the development of HCI. In the current trend, with the emergence of cloud computing and other technical advancements, the necessity to develop a safe, useful and commercially viable website is imperative and looking forward, it stands to remain at the same cynosure. Software Development Life Cycle Software development Life Cycle (SDLC) provides an effective approach for developing a website or any kind of software. SDLC involves seven fundamental phases which enclose the entire development timeframe of the software. All these phases are equally important as faltering in any of the phase would lead to astronomical errors in all ot her subsequent phases. The phases includes, studying feasibleness, analysing requirements, designing, modelling, implementation, testing and active operation. SDLC directly relates the phases involved in the management of project with the corresponding phases of Software Development. Out of several SDLC models that are available, for a small term project of this nature, an iterative model of SDLC would be the ideal fit. Other options include the agile and waterfall model. An iterative model allows for an openness to exist between the client and the developer and also, allows for an interactive development – enabling changes to be made even in the middle of a development process. A waterfall model does not allow for the requirements to be added at a later stage as the models are based directly on the initial requirement analysis phase. In case of developing websites, requirements often keep changing and with the advancements in technologies, there is always a constant need for fine tuning the effectiveness of a website. Hence, an iterative model suits as a best model to follow for this kind of development. Additionally, the time spent in analysing the requirements would be quite minimal in an iterative model as there is this feasibility of augmenting the development process with additional requirements, if needed. So, a cost effective, minimal time consuming iterative model would suffice the demands of developing a book listing website. (Saleh 2009) Data Security and Accessibility Information security is one of the primary aspects of
Monday, October 28, 2019
On Theory of Brief History of Translation Essay Example for Free
On Theory of Brief History of Translation Essay In general, since mankind started translation activities, the study of translation has never ceased. Discussions about translation have become so frequent that various translation theories have been formed gradually in Chinese. In this paper, Habermas’s theory of communicative action reinterpreting the concept of the understanding of translation studies, and Translation to indicate this special form of cross-cultural communication in how to effectively interpret metaphor. Keywords: theory of communicative action; metaphor comprehension; translation 1. Introduction Translation is a metaphor of language as the carrier of the cross-cultural communication activities, but also a language that will carry the message to another language to the inter subjectivity of communicative action. Inter subjectivity of communicative action for the research, after Germany modern philosopher Habermass theory of communicative action (Theory of Communication Action) opened the door for people new window. The theory is swelling in different philosophical ideas and views to choose based on the creation of a complex, multifaceted rational alliance system, it understood as the core language, based on critical theory of the financial community, general pragmatics, social evolution theory as a unified framework. 2. Under the theory of communicative action the concept of translation studies to understand 2.1 Translation studies in the new way AC Zhu act theory. Translation Studies from the traditional structural linguistics semantic stage to stage, the development of transmission 90 to the 20th century deconstruction of the stage, after a lengthy process. Semantic translation of the traditional paradigm by the impact of the classical theory of knowledge, that man is the soul, the understanding of the object is totally dependent on the translators subjective feelings, emphasizing the translators understanding and inspiration, emphasis on spirit and Transformation, had gained the so-called flash in the pan. Because it is too much emphasis on the translators initiative to make this cross-cultural communication activities translate into a mystical practice. 80 years of the 20th century, structural linguistics in China set off a new upsurge in Translation Studies. People started to pay attention the text, try to use linguistic analysis methods instead of intuitive feeling that in the complicated hidden behind the words of a universal and regularities, as long as it can control the expression of all, making the translation into a simple mechanical operation, that is, the semantics of a target language are stored in the source language and regulations put a rule in the semantic content of thought into the preparation of. Obviously, such a tool and went to the other extreme too much emphasis on language as the object of the role of law, then followed by the fierce criticism of the ideological trend. Deconstruction gives people a new way of thinking. It broke structure, deconstruction of the system so that the provisions of one dollar to diversify the situation, the logical name translation from the language of Sri Lanka fetters doctrine, but still it will be translated once again into the irrational, too much publicity consciousness, so that interpretation becomes an infinite delay activity, the understanding and exchanges between people seems to have become impossible. How to overcome this ideology of intolerance, effective language as medium of intercultural communication activities? I believe that the use of Habermass theory of communicative action, for the translation of research to find a new way of reason. 2.2 Translation understands the concept of re-interpretation. A French translator said: The translation is to understand and make people understand. Building understanding is the cornerstone of translation is the first step in the process of translation, not a good understanding of the translation step. When we think the theory of communicative action has opened a new translation of the windows, it is necessary to understand the concept of re-interpretation. Habermas believes that the language as a medium of social interaction, verbal communication to understand each other, or far from effective communication. Communicative action in the language, that language, the analysis can be regulated. Each speech acts and statements have the effect the dual structure. Purposes of section as the main statement, in the communication layer between the main body; and vice statement as part of statement, in the main contents of the table between the layers. Part of the implementation of speech acts in a decisive role, because it limits the relationship between language and the listener, but also the meaning of the Statute of the contents of the statement. The two structures in the speech act are interdependent. Sometimes words that are a part of which may be stressed, but it does not mean denying other part, but it only temporarily relegated to a secondary position. For example, my phone battery died, the phrase, seemed to be merely stating the fact that mobile phone battery is dead, but in fact it implies a variety of behavioral significance; â‘ because the battery died, so I just did not pick up the phone; â‘ ¡ I must go recharge; â‘ ¢ I will not carry a cell phone and with PHS, the PHS something please call me. This is the hidden part of the implementation of, According to the specific situation; it would serve the purposes of this or that effect. Searle that the idea of ​​the original speaker, or intrinsic intentionality is converted to words, statements, signs, symbols, etc., these words, statements, signs, symbols meaningful to speak out if they have a From the speakers thoughts in the derived intentionality. They not only have the traditional linguistic sense, but also with the intention of the speakers meaning. This is undoubtedly the words of Habermas and similar to the dual structure theory. Accordingly on the significance of understanding is also necessary to double the corresponding division. Understand a word should be divided into two to look at the presentation layer is the known what on the issue, and in the communication layer is the know-how of the problem. know -what is the statement that those who understand how to reach such a clear knowledge and understanding that it can acquire the knowledge; from the perspective of those who understand, to ask him to be able to understand semantics, syntax, rules, line up the words, statements, mark the symbol what constitutes the meaning. know how is the statement that those who have the ability to construct or implement the ability of this speech act is an implicit awareness of the rules; from the perspective of those who understand, to ask him who can understand the speech of this implicit awareness of the rules. In this dual understanding, understanding of the content of verbal expression is an understanding (know-what), but to those who truly grasp the inner speech must enter double intentionality level understanding (know-how), that is part of the implementation of the understanding. Therefore, understanding can not be stuck in the form of a priori judgments must be reached in the communication process. to understand the goal is to guide a recognition that the sharing of knowledge, trust each other, the two international interdependence consistent with the subjective. It not only includes the traditional understanding of linguistic expressions, but also in connection with each other that the normative discourse related to the correctness of the background, and between the two main some kind of coordination , and the two participants in the process of communication is something the world to reach understanding, and the intention to make himself understood each other. 3. Metaphors Habermass theory of communicative action on the construction of translation studies methodology has the macro guidance of translation practice is also instructive significance? View of the Newmark said, metaphor translation is a microcosm of all the language translation, because translation to the translation of metaphor methods were showing a wide range of choices: either transfer its meaning, or reshape its image, or a modification of their, or their meaning and image of the perfect combination. The following instructions will use the metaphor theory of communicative action in cross-cultural communication The Interpretation of. Metaphor is a phenomenon of language use in the Dictionary not found in metaphor. Metaphor from the modern point of view of science should be in the form of metaphor with the exception, belong to different categories in the semantics, logic dislocation, resulting in a semantic conflict, and when the listeners have responded to the conflict, it generates a metaphorical sense, that is a metaphor to understand the words. For the metaphor of the operating mechanism, it was actually made such a description: Metaphor involves two different areas (areas) concept; the production of metaphorical meaning is the result of the interaction between the two concepts. This interaction by mapping the way in the mapping process, belonging to a related concept and structure of the field was transferred to another area, the final after the formation of a new synthesis of conceptual structure, that is, metaphorically. And this mapping and integration process is based on two areas of similarity in some respects. This is no doubt that the understanding of the need to double by metaphor. The process of understanding metaphors consist of two parts: the identification and metaphorical meaning metaphors inference. In fact this is a secondary level of understanding into the process of understanding. Give an example of people often referred to The tongue is a fire , from the presentation layer of understanding (an understanding), tongue by the American Heritage Dictionary defines this way: the fleshy, movable, muscular organ, attached in most vertebrates to the floor of the mouth, that is principal organ of taste, an aid in chewing, and swallowing, and, in human beings,, important organ of speech . We can say that the tongue is an important organ as the human body, the first and most vertebrates have the same taste and chew and auxiliary swallowing function, in addition to, or who have speech capabilities important language organ. to the basic meaning of the center, tongue behind the formation of the word meaning a large collection: it can mean something shaped like a tongue, such as tongue of flame (flame), guiding tongue (rail-oriented switch rail), switch tong (switch to copper), can also refer to human speech acts and speech capabilities, for example, hold ones tongue (keep silent), lose ones tongue (lose the capacity to speak, as from shock). The other key words in the speech act of fire, in the American Heritage Dictionary can be found in the following definition; a rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied not flame. the same , the meaning behind it can be found in the collection, such as, cooking fire (cooking fire), forest fire (forest fire), wild fire (wildfires), the fire of cannon fire), and other specific forms of the fire. You can also find other meaning, such as the boy is full of fire (which decided the boy is very warm and excited), He was on fire for mismanagement (because of poor management and blamed). When the tongue and the fire both carry the meaning of their huge collection of words is embedded in the basic language of A is B frame (sentence) to go when the logical relationship between the two on the adoption of is, to interact. Is used to denote a equivalents. it literally, or change a point of view, the presentation layer from the listeners understanding of the term should be reasoning as follows: the tongue is a fire . is meaning that the two sets is in some ways equivalent. However, we are both from the above understanding of the meaning of the word of view, they clearly belong to two different categories, among them with a `is connected, the the equivalent of conventional logic does not work, so from the presentation layer, we can identify this is a metaphor, thus completing the first part of understanding metaphors. When the listener is clear that to use metaphorical language behavior, the expressed will of the true meaning of metaphors to infer, that understanding will enter the second stage of course, understand the purposes of this part of speech acts, understanding the original speakers thoughts, or inner intention. Can be assumed that if The tongue is a fire is said to give an artist is accused by the media to listen to, then the speaker or may contain a sympathetic glance report of intention. Artists are always much media attention, due to For various reasons, may be one-sided media, the exaggerated reports of certain facts, and spread such a report will be turned into a stumbling news and rumors, they will more or less to the artist himself or his cause to bring a number of trouble. The context is the equivalent of the tongue and the fire provides a logical possibility: the tongue the language of human organs the words of the act media coverage people reported adverse reactions (Wei news and rumors) to the artists themselves or their cause trouble (damage to reputation or hinder the cause of development), the fire will shine the chemical substances excessive light and heat of fire, destroying things, or even result in death, so that both the destruction of the found a similar function, logical reasoning tenable. The tongue is a fire means a variety of popular artists and no shortage of opinions and statements in the news or rumors coffee, they may attack their personality, or even because of their presence, the company lifted the employment relationship, or no one would dare ask this artistes. So we have reason to infer that the speaker is the issue of Renyankewei sigh, or cautioned entertainers say and pay attention to their own to avoid capture by the m edia hype after which her career. At this point, the listener to complete the original speech act of an effective understanding, guiding the listener and the speaker of some sort of recognition. Complete understanding of metaphor, must be made through an understanding (understanding of the content of verbal expression) to reach two to understand (the intrinsic intentionality of the speech understanding of those). In the same language system is the case, between systems in different languages ​​should be so, because only then can an effective cross-cultural exchanges. How should we operate on the self-evident metaphor translation, or the preservation of the source language metaphor, or metaphor replaces the target language, or to have the target language dominance feasibility, as long as it helps the reader to complete the intention of listening comprehension. 3.1 Preservation of the source language metaphor. When the Metaphor and figurative language and translation in the source completely or substantially the same language, the metaphor for the body of the source language, target language readers will have to listen to listen to readers of the source language similar to the psychological Lenovo, and complete understanding of similar intent, target language are advised to preserve the source language metaphor. such as: Links to Research (1) He is the only foxes. English fox, fox and Chinese refer to the same animal, when it was used as that person when they contain cunning in Italy, even listen to the reader and writer, said in a different language systems and cultural background, it can effectively understand the implementation of the partial speech act: be careful of this man, he is cunning. Another example: (2) think tank think tank Think tank in the Chinese culture does not exist in, but the library in Chinese culture, store things in the middle, so even though the people in Chinese culture has not been recognized with the library to describe the characteristics of thought The collection, but this library of knowledge to guide on English culture think tank , the identity, so library This Vehicle can save down. After all, this cross-cultural communication, we can not underestimate the listen to the readers understanding, not to deprive them of their understanding of rights. In the translation process, in order to achieve the purpose of cross-cultural communication, and sometimes need to work to preserve the source language metaphor, that metaphor at the same time preserve the source language to make the appropriate explanation. Such as: (3) What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles, for capitalistic production. (Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844) If the complete cessation of growth in annual production, what the situation is going to do? Like Achilles heel, as this will be the Achilles heel of capitalist production.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: Suspense :: Fall House Usher Essays
The Fall of the house of Usher          Suspense In "The Fall of the house of Usher," Edgar Allen Poe creates suspense and fear in the reader. He also tries to convince the reader not to let fear overcome him. Poe tries to evoke suspence in the reader's mind by using several diffenent scenes. These elements include setting, characters, plot, and theme. Poe uses setting primarily in this work to create atmosphere. The crack in the house and the dead trees imply that the house and its surroundings are not sturdy or promising. These elements indicate that a positive outcome is not expected. The thunder, strange light, and mist create a spooky feeling for the reader. The use of character provides action and suspense in the story through the characters' dialogue and actions. Roderick, who is hypochondriac, is very depressed. He has a fearful apperance and his senses are acute. This adds curiosity and anxiety. The narrator was fairly normal until he began to imagine things and become afraid himself. Because of this, the audience gets a sense that evil is lurking. Madeline is in a cataleptic state. She appears to be very weak and pail. Finally, when she dies, she is buried in a vault inside of the mansion. In this story, the plot consists of rising events, conflict, climax, and resolution. The rising events include the parts in the story when the narrator first arrives at the house, meets Roderick, and hears about Roderick's and Madeline's problems. Madeline's death and burial are part of the conflict. At this point, Roderick and the narrator begin to hear sounds throughout the house. The sounds are an omen that an evil action is about to occur. The climax is reached when Madeline comes back from the dead and she and her twin brother both die. Finally, the resolution comes when the narrator escapes from the house and turns around to watch it fall to the ground. The theme that Edgar Allen Poe is trying to convey is do not let fear take over your life because it could eventually destory you.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Exploring Research Methodologies: Positivism and Interpretivism Essay
Exploring Research Methodologies: Positivism and Interpretivism Before a researcher can initiate a research project, they face the confusion and the range of theoretical perspectives, methodologies, methods, and the philosophical basis that encompasses them all. This seemingly meticulous structure for the research process is in fact aimed toward providing the researcher with a ‘scaffolding’, or a direction which they can go on to develop themselves to coincide with their particular research purposes. (Crotty, 1998) Once a researcher has developed a research question they are seeking to answer, they must consider what methodologies and methods they will employ in the research; what theoretical perspective lies behind the methodology; and what epistemology informs this theoretical perspective. (Crotty, 1998) Before continuing it is important to explain these key terms: Epistemology is ‘the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of knowledge, which seeks to inform us how we can know the world.’ (Jary and Jary: Dictionary of Sociology, 1991) In the context of social research, epistemology is the form of proof one requires to justify a claim to knowledge about the social world. This will have a salient impact on the kind of data one can collect in order to validate their arguments concerning the social world (methodology), as well as the methods one considers in collecting valid data (methods). A researcher’s choice of methods will be conditioned by theoretical perspectives, the way one sees the social world. (Livesey) Researchers of social science use a wide variety of research methods to gain and enhance knowledge and theory. The different types of research methodologies, quantitative and qualitative, are associated with the epistemological and theoretical perspectives the researcher wishes to adopt. This choice the researcher makes determines the way in which research should be conducted. This paper will discuss, critically analyse and compare the epistemological and theoretical perspectives of two research methodologies used for social research: positivism and interpretivism. The various research methods used within the frameworks of each of these will then be discussed. Positivism There are two main types of epistemologies: positivist and anti-positivist. â€Å"Positivist research is an approach which combines a deductive approach w... ... 12.     Love, T. (1998). Value Role in Computer-assisted Designing. Western Australia: Dept of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. 13.     Neuman, L.W. (2000). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sydney: Allyn and Bacon. 14.     Orlikowski, W. J. & Baroudi, J. J. (1991). Studying Information Technology in Organizations: Research Approaches and Assumptions. Information Systems Research, pg 1-28. 15.     Pawson, R. & Tilley, N. (1997). Realistic Evaluation. London: Sage. 16.     Sarantakos, S. (1998). Social Research. Melbourne: Macmillan. 17.     Sharma, B.A.V., Ravindra Prasad, D. & Satyanarayana. (1984). Research Methods in Social Sciences. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. 18.     Silverman, D. (2000). Doing Qualitative Research. London: Sage. 19.     Vrasidas, C. (2001). Interpretivism and Symbolic Interactionism: â€Å"Making the Familiar Strange and Interesting Again†in Educational Technology Research. In Heinecke, W. & Willis, J. (Ed.), Research Methods in Educational Technology. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc. 20.     Wainwright, S. P. (2000). For Bourdieu in Realist Social Science. London.
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